part 17

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Mayas POV
Once i get home, Andrew is walking down the stairs.

"Hi sunshine"

"Sunshine? Really?"

"Yea you look unusually bright this morning"

"I had a good run"

"Clearly yet i'm too tired to care yet. Talk to me again after my coffee"

"Such a good friend Andrew"

I head upstairs and here a muffled you know it from Andrew and get ready for work. Once finished, i walk down to see Andrew sat watching TV"

"Don't you have a job to do? You know, where you save lives and not sit around all day doing shit all?"

"Ah that. I do however i came back earlier than i told Bailey so im not due back for another couple days"

"You wait till i tell Warren. Miranda is gonna be on your ass"

"You dare"

"Mhm. Anyway i'm off i'll see you later. I'm going out tonight after work so i don't know if you'll see me till tonight"

"That's fine. I have errands to run anyway"

"Okay bye"

I climb into my car and not long later i pull into the station. Walking into the kitchen, i see everyone where was eating and chatting.

"Why is it every time i come in your eating?"

"Because, Maya, food is life."

"Okay sure, and before i forget, Carina wanted me to ask you all it you wanted to gather round hers later?"

"Yea for sure"

"Okay, what time"

"I will get back to you on that."

"Is she cooking?"

"Why is that your first thought?"

"Because a little birdie told me her cooking is too die for"

"That is true so i'll ask and get back to you"

Carinas POV

Hey Carina, everyone would love to come round tonight. They were wondering what time and Jack wants to know if your cooking?

You finish at 6 right? So 7:30 would be great. Gives you and me some time to prep. And i can make pizza if that's okay with everyone? No allergies is there?

That's great. And nope, no allergies. I'll see you later love x

See you later Bella

As it was only 8:30, i decided to not get ready just yet and watch TV before going shopping. Once it hit 11, i was off shopping for pizza ingredients and decided upon 2 pizzas, 4 different toppings. After i got back it was around 11:30. I showered and did my hair and makeup before deciding on what to wear. I didn't want to over dress however i still wanted to look nice. I decided on a long flowy dress that was maroon and had different flowers on. As it hit 4:30, i started making the pizzas, putting on my apron so i didn't ruin my dress. I put the pizzas in the oven and cleaned up just as there was a knock on my door. It was only 7:00 so it couldn't be people yet. As i cautiously opened the door, i see Maya stood there with a bright smile on her face.

"Your 30 minutes early?"

"Yea well i thought i could help you set up. Or something"

"Im practically done"

"Oh well, that just means you get to spend 30 minutes alone, with me"

"Mhm, lucky me"

"Cute apron"

She says pointing at my flour covered apron while taking her shoes off and hanging up her jacket. She walks to my kitchen and takes out 2 wine glasses from the cupboard. I take me apron off and put it in the washing basket before taking a glass from her hand.

"You look beautiful in that dress"

"Why thank you. You don't look too bad yourself"

I take a sip of my wine without loosing eye contact with her. She takes the glass from my hands and sets in on the counter before placing her hands on my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss.

"Will you go on date with me?"

"Of course Bambina"

"Okay. Great. However this time i am paying so don't even try to. Don't even bother bringing your wallet."

"Yea see that's where i might need to protest."

"I will tackle you if i have too"

"Bet" i wink in her direction before picking up my glass and walking to the living room.

"You have quite the spread."

"Yea well i didn't quite know what everyone liked so i just bought a variety of things"

"Oh there really not that fussy. They like anything. As i recall one of them said this morning food is life"

"See they are not wrong there"

After another 20 minutes of endless flirting and laughs, there is a knock on my door.

"Your station has a thing for being early. It's 7:25"

"What can i say. I raise my children well" I laugh as i open the door.

"Carina! Hi thanks for having us"

"Vic hi! It's no problem"

Within 25 minutes everyone else had arrived and where gathered in the kitchen waiting for the pizza to finish cooking.

"Wow Maya wasn't joking when she said you thought food was life"

"It's pizza. No further questions your honour."

I take the pizza out the oven with a bunch of quickly and hurry up while i cut them up. Once i place it into the middle of the table everyone dives in.

"Be careful, it's hot"

"This is amazing. You need to become our own personal chef at the station. I take yours over Warrens healthy food"

"I would if i had the time. Or patience to do all that cooking and nothing else"

We ate the pizza while talking about everything random and having a good laugh while doing so.


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