Part 18

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Carinas POV
After we finished, we went and sat on the patio in my backyard with a fire burning. I was sat on an egg chair and everyone else was scattered around close to the fire, engulfed in their own conversations. I was mid-conversation with Vic and Travis when Maya came out with a full wine glass in her hand. I smile at her and pat the spot next to me, shuffling over to make room. I turn back to see Vic smiling at us then she turns herself around and starts talking to Travis and Jack leaving Maya and I to our own little bubble.



"Thank you for having us tonight, i think everyone's really enjoyed themselves"

"It was my pleasure Bella"

I fully turn myself to face her, laid on my side with my hand holding up my head. Maya sons follows and does the same thing, leaving little space between us.

"Your bellissima" (beautiful)

"Why thank you Bella. What you know italian now?"

"Duolingo is working well apparently"

"Very well. Sei bellissima anche tu"
(you look stunning too)

"I don't know what that means but that you. I love when you speak Italian"

"Ugh the urge to kiss you right now is large"

"What can i say, i'm just amazing that way"

"Yea well when everyone goes you can do whatever you want to me" I say with a low whisper.

"Whatever i want"


"Well then i guess i better start making my list now"

She then stands up and walks inside leaving me quite confused. Not even two minutes later she comes back out with a notepad and a pen then happily plops herself beside me.

"Seriously Bella?"

"Dead. Now how do you feel about chocolate syrup?"



I quickly looked at what she was hitting down and was shocked to see she had actually started a list. However, before i could see she turned the pad away and continued writing things down with a smug look on her face. As i'm looking on my phone, two minutes later i feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a very happy Maya.

"Yea Bella?"




"Can i look at it"

"hm, Maybe later, i'll let your imagination fill in the rest"

She whispers dangerously close to my ear. Her hot breath lingers on the side of my face before she completely pulls away and walks to sit with Andy and Sullivan leaving me stuck by myself and my thoughts. Not wanting to think about it too long, i stand up and head to the kitchen to re-fill my glass.

"Her Carina, can you re-fill my drink?"

"Of course" I quickly take his glass and re-fill it.

"So Carina"

"Yes Jack"

"What's going on with you and Maya?"

"Me and Maya? Nothing why do you ask"

"I don't know you just seem extremely close in such little time"

"Well i don't know what to tell you we are just good friends"

"Sure, thanks for my drink"

I don't know what it was but that was very weird coming from Jack. Although i haven't spoke to him much and only cooked with him once he seemed nice. However this time something had changed. It sounded as if he was jealous? He sounded more annoyed then happy. I was quickly cut out of my thoughts when Ben and Dean come inside.

"Hey, we're gonna head out. Thank you for having us. We had a great time."

"No problem, thanks for coming and drive safe"

Throughout the next hour and a half everyone started leaving with just me and Maya left.

"Hi, Thanks for having everyone over, it was great"

"No problem, the pleasure is all mine. i loved getting to know all your friends."

"Now about our conversation earlier"

"What conversation? I don't remember talking to you much this evening"

"How unfortunate, let me remind you. It had something to do with you, me and a small list i made."

Sorry this one is short but i've had a busy couple of weeks. Hopefully the next chapter is up relatively soon.


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