Part 12

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Mayas POV
I was awoken at 7:00 by someone lightly shaking me.

"Bambina alzarti hai lavoro tea un'0ra e mezza"
"I don't speek italian darling"
"Get up you have work in an hour and a half"
"It's too early. Let me have 5 more minutes"
"No bella your gonna be late"
"Is that so bad?"
"Yes your captain. Now get up"

I reluctantly get up and make my way to her shower. Once i'm finished i wrap my towel around me and walk out the bathroom getting clothes from her closet. I ended up just stealing more of her leggings and a tank top.

"Maya what do you want for breakfast?"
"I'm not hungry thanks though"
"Okay well i'm going to make you some lunch for you to take in because i know you never take in food"
"one how did you know that. two i just eat everyone else's food"
"I have my ways and do you want anything in particular"
"No whatever you want is okay. Thank you"

I finish getting change and it's about 8:00.

"Are you at work today?"
"No. I do have to go in for a meeting about staff but other than that i'm free"
"Okay well we better go or your going to be late for that"

"Okay have a good day at work Bambina."
"You have fun at your meeting"
"Ugh don't remind me. Have fun and be safe"
"I always am. Also i'll text you a time and that for our date later. Okay bye"

I give her a gentle kiss on her forehead before she drives away and i head into the station. When i'm walking up to the kitchen i notice it is surprisingly quite.

"Uh hello?"

I say wondering if anyone is even here yet. I walk into the lounge to see most of them asleep or watching Tv. None of them had noticed me yet and it's about time that i make breakfast. I put my lunch in the fridge them make eggs and bacon for everyone. Now i gotta admit i'm not the best chef. But i've been doing better recently. 5 minutes later, everyone comes out of the lounge.

"Looks who's awaken from their slumber"
Ooo i thought i smelt something good."
"Yea i figured it's finally my turn to make breakfast for once."
"But Maya and cooking never ends well. So why does it smell and look amazing.
"For you information Victoria i've had practice. And it was never that bad before"
"Oh it was. And you've been practicing? Who are you cooking for Bishop cause you wouldn't cook just for fun"

I avoid the question and turn my attention to the bacon. Carina had been helping me improve my cooking. Honestly once i tried to make her scrambled eggs and somehow set it on fire. Don't know how it happened one second it was great next minute the fire extinguishers were out. From there on out Carina has never let me cook without her supervision.

"Okay breakfast is ready. Eat up"

We all sit and make small talk before the alarm goes off for the aid car.

"Okay Sullivan and Warren it's your turn on aid car"

I'm glad it was their turn anybody else would of complained that it's 'too early' or whatever.

"Okay so back to our conversation earlier. Maya spill"
"What do you mean?"
"It's clear your seeing someone."
"I have no idea what your on about"
"Well you actually brought lunch today. You normally just eat whatever's in the fridge or order something"
"I have nothing to tell"
"Trav i'm not. Genuinely nothing going on"
"Still not believable"
"Wow who knew my co-workers were such nosy people"

I laughed it off and went to my office to do paperwork. A little while later, i hear a knock on my door.

"Come in"
"Hi maya i just wanted to ask you something"
"Can it will till later?"
"Yes but basically Robert asked me on a date and i don't know what to wear. He said casual but how casual do i go?"
"Andy no offenes but Jack would probably be better at this than me. When was the last time i dressed up nice and went on a date?"
"Fair point... Okay i'll ask trav or someone. How was your night?"
"It was... good."
"What do you mean good? Why did you hesitate"
"Jeez Andy what are you a detective."
"No.. i'm just a curious person"

Before i could say anything else i got a message.

Carina <3

Hi Bella, just wanted you to know that you left all your stuff here. I'll drop it off when you get home let me know <3.

"Is that Carina?"
"What? Oh yea, how'd you know"
"Your smile. It's your Carina smile"
"Carina smile?"
"Yea i noticed it last time i was with you too you smile bigger."
"Well that's new.. I asked her out"
"What! You did"
"Yea so on Friday i'm going to need your help"
"I need a minute to restart"
"Andy i'm serious. You stressing about what to wear i'm deciding where to go!"
"Okay well that's easy. Look up some restaurants and see which one has the best reviews."
"I mean i guess"
"Your not telling me something"
"Don't know what you mean"
"Your hiding something. I can feel it"
"If i tell you you have to promise not to tell anybody"
"Okay i swear"
"Okay well... we may of kisses"
"Hold the fuck up. what!"
"Lower your voice i'm pretty sure London heard you."
"Why are you just now telling me?"
"It only happened last night. Not like sits been years."
"Feels like it"
"Looks like we are needed. Like i said not a word. You know how much vic and trav loves gossip."
"Got it"

Feel like it's kinda short and boring but i haven't updated in awhile so i rushed. Also spelling. I never proof read anything so i apologise in advance.


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