Alpha female: secret pain.

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''Why do I need to introduce her to you?I love her and that's all you need to know''  I kept my voice neutral as possible.

''Listen to me brother you cannot mate and/or marry her until your living blood family has at least seen her so either bring her to me, or I will find her myself'' my brother stood up from his chair ''just because you act like Alpha of this pack doesn't mean you are the Alpha'' he stalked up to me looking at me directly in my eyes ''now will you let me meet her or do I have to find her myself?'' What he said was more of a threat then a question

"I do not wish to bring her in to our world just yet, I am sorry brother but I will not bring her to our woods.Not just yet'' I looked down to the floor uncomfortable under my brothers stare.

''You are dismissed younger brother'' my brother waved a hand at me before sitting back down. CRAP.



Blake was sitting on the couch with Jeremy. Those two are like best friends now ''hey boys'' I leaned against the door frame watching Blake and Jeremy shift under my gaze,

''Hey Redd!'' Jeremy jumped off the couch and ran towards me

"You just stop there" Blake was still sitting on the couch with a huge grin on his face "dont you think it's time for you to go to bed Jeremy? After all it is a school night" I smiled at him evilly,Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Jeremy gave me a death glare then smiled at me before leaving the room.

''You two been having fun while I was gone?'' I walked towards Blake, who was still sitting on the couch, just smiled at me.He caught sight of his watch

''CRAP!! I gotta go im sorry Redd i'll see you at school tomorrow!!'' Blake yelled at me as he sprinted towards the door,

''Bye'' I closed the door then left to clear the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen the place was a mess, ''this is gonna take me all night'' I told myself as I set out to work packing away tins and left over bits of food

##############THE NEXT DAY###############################

''Hey Redd, get up come on your going to be late again'' Jeremy shook my arm to wake me up,

''Im up im awake, thanks Jeremy'' I slowly stood up shaking my head to wake me up properly,opening my eyes fully I realized that I was still in the kitchen, I must of fell asleep while cleaning, seeing the panic on my face Jeremy stood in front of me ''go get ready i'll take care of this mess, after all I caused most of it'' he smiled at me his boyish charm making me smile back

''I dont know what i'd do without you'' I kissed him on the forehead then sped up to my room to shower and change my clothes I must have been gone about 10minutes but by the time I got downstairs Jeremy had cleaned the entire kitchen everything nearly sparkling, he was waiting for me downstairs, as I ran downstairs Jeremy stood up throwing my bag at me, everyone else had already left judging my the footprints and wide open door.

''Ready to run?'' He asked as I reached the bottom step

''As always'' I smiled at him as he both headed out the door.

As we got to school the rest of my pack was standing at the gate waiting for me, except.........Gabriel he was over on the other side of the yard talking to a girl, I could smell her from here she smelled like oranges and vanilla she was short but very pretty I could sense Gabriel really liked her so I left him instead of checking up on him and carried on walking towards the rest of the boys ''hey have you seen the new pack yet?'' Kim stepped forward so he was basically right in front of me, his eyes darted around to the tree line searching for the missing wolves

''No, not yet why?'' I eyed Kim as his face slowly started to go bright red, his hiding something ''right boys dont want to be late you can all go now, except Kim I want to talk to you for a second'' I made my voice sound stern eventhough I wasnt mad or anything but I couldnt have them thinking something was up with Kim. Everyone scattered going to classes or just going to sit on benches. 

''Did I do something wrong?'' Kim still had his head towards the ground

''No you did nothing wrong its just that you seem to be hanging around that new pack alot, especially that cute young boy whats his name?'' I ducked so I was head height with Kim, knowing his protective nature

''DON'T CALL HIM CUTE YOU DON'T HAVE THAT RIGHT!!'' Kim snapped at me, but his eyes instantly showed me he regretted snapping his entire face looking horrified at his outburst, ''im sorry I didn't mean it'' Kim's eyes started to fill with tears, the people around us stared at Kims out burst, but I just smiled at him. 

''Hey, Kim look I know whats going on it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, I know all of your remember?? We grew up together. So whats his name?? Im assuming the others dont know and they wont" Kim probably didnt want any questions but I wanted to know the guys name, I wanted to know everything actually

''He's called Brandon, and none of the others know and id prefer it if you didnt tell them that im..'' He coughed loudly

''Gay?'' I questioned him quietly ''its ok Kim no one will look down on you for that. Im truly happy for you Kim'' I pulled him into a hug ''now go see if you can find Brandon I wanna meet the guy who has put that smile on your face'' Kim smiled at me widely

''Thank you Redd'' he ran off to find Brandon, aw so cute. They're all going to start finding their mates soon, my boys are going to grow up and have families...My hand instinctively went to my stomach "but I wont have my family..." I whispered feeling my heart break all over again


*******************I know its short but I just wanted to update something for you***********************

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