Alpha female: fear

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I stared at him, trying to contain all my anger, all the hate I felt for him telling me he loved my mate...But I didnt have any anger to contain, no jealousy...nothing. Since I met Red id be fixated on her-completely in love with her, but maybe I wasnt in love with her. "I love that girl with everything I have, and I want to spend forever with her, I do." Jeremy continued talking but I became lost in my own thoughts... I could have been wasting all of my time since we got here on a girl that cant love me back... Jeremy poked my shoulder "you not listening to me eh??" I snapped my head towards him his hands grasping at his peck as a fire spread through his skin his mark extending "we've got to find her, she's giving up Blake" Jeremy began devising a plan to cover all of the forest to search for Red

"Jeremy, dude you have to calm down. None of us are thinking straight right now, everyone needs to get some sleep and we'll come up with a plan in the morning. Come on, lets go home" Pushing him towards the end of the road I felt a weight fall on my shoulders, checking the trees behind us I shrugged it off as tired paranoia.

Reaching the door of the pack house I pushed Jeremy inside, his head hung low as he marched up the stairs. Yawning I turned to leave....


My head, what the hell happened to my head. "Youre not the most difficult guy to catch are you" Reds smug voice roused me from my drowsy state "Youre hurt, stay still" her soft hand held my head as she delicately cleaned my wound "where were you? And are the others safe?" Her brows furrowed together when she heard her voice-somethings wrong. "I was leaving your place, Jeremy went upstairs...Ummm...I..urrm...I went to shut the door...and urrm..."

"You got clocked in the head with my plant pot" she smirked as she pulled and squeezed my wound, noticing my fixation on her Red looked into my eyes "I have to admit something" she took her hands away from my cut "im enjoying this a little more than you are" a small chuckle escaped my lips as I felt her small hands clean my head. "You shouldnt be here you know, neither should I. We need to go home Blake" I shook my head feeling like something was wrong, she wasnt alarmed, wasnt worried, her pack could have been slaughtered and Reds here calm as the day "Red??" I looked at her trying to put my finger on the problem...Her hands were too small, her face too bright-untouched even, her eyes has too much of a sparkle... "You have to get up Blake, I need you to help me Blake. HELP ME!" Jolting upright my eyes burst into hyper drive scanning the room for danger, but I found non. Sighing loudly I heard a sobbing and beeping next to me. 

"Oh my God" the words escaped my lips in complete shock, Reds body was covered only her pale face and arms left uncovered by the ghostly sheet that swallowed her tall frame her arm covered in wires and tubes, she hasnt even been gone that long.... "if youve broke my plant....pot Im going to...hurt you..." her voice came out raspy and painful her pain obvious in the creases of her scrunched face. "Sissys been sleeping for a long time" a little boys head popped up from behind the top of a graying chair "she got hurt, but shes going to be ok. She told me so did you sissy?" The boy bounced back around to face Red whos eyes were barely opened "tell him, youre going to be alright arent you" the smile was clear in his voice even without looking at me I know this kid was excited someone else was here with him. "yeah James...Im going to come back...Stronger arent I" she smiled half heartily her entire body in visible protest at her words. "Hey James....Why dont you look...after Blake for me ok...? He always gets into trouble..." Coughing and spluttering Red clutched her stomach as the boy pushed the big chair around to face me, his little face reddening with the strain used. "Your head looks sore" the boys childish voice reminded me of the cubs in my pack, their little voices as they pretend to be big bad wolves "here" the boy shoved a rag into a bowl of water "it needs to be cleaned or it'll get yucky" taking the rag from the boy he smiled obviously happy someone is listening to him. I cleaned the wound tentatively trying not to wince with the pain, when I could take no more the boy took it back, removed the dirty off of it and placed it on the side "for later" he smiled before sliding to the floor and shuffling out of the door, closing it behind him.

"when you leave...You take him...with you matter what" sighing in pain Red rolled over carefully her arm clutching her stomach "swear me that you'll take him" her heavy breathing shaking her entire body as she lay her agony clear on her face. "What happened to you?" Staring at this shy little women shuddering at her own breath I found it difficult to believe this was the woman who was so strong and determined to do everything, the female alpha broken...

"You a plant pot" Red whispered a cough muffled by her hands as she tried to move back up the bed to sit up and face me "stay still,youre injured. Moving isnt going to help you heal" giving my sternest look to her Red finally sat still her eyes pained and lost. 

We sat there for God only knows how long in silence as Red drifted in and out of consciousness. Her lanky frame shuddered and shivered under the thin blanket her nightmares bringing her back to reality only briefly before sleep took over her once again. "Do you...You think Jeremy ok??" Red rasped her breathing sounding more of a chore "my mark...voice ever....thing Alpha about me...Its fading..." taking a deep breath Red seemed to let go of everything she felt "hes going to lead them...He was always have stay with him...he'll need you to help...A group of teen boys can...can be difficult to control" laughing Red sent herself into a coughing fit, her hands shaking their way to her mouth. "Promise me...promise 3 things..." lightly she held up three slim pale fingers, I nodded in agreement- id do anything for this woman.

"1. Save the kid, no matter...2.Leave...leave me here...3...take care...of them...and....and yourself" nodding to herself Red let her body relax the beeping of her machines disturbing her peace she pulled the cables from her body, removed the clip from her finger and lay down "youve promised, save them all...Take care of my boys..." Her voice cracking tears slid down Reds face as her lids started to flutter shut again.

She removed the machines...why would she..."Goodnight..." 

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