Alpha female

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Stupid Blake!! Thinks he can just boss me around on my turf! No way. I was running through the forest blowing off some steam, when I heard a growl? No a whimper. My head shot around to find the source, sure enough a little cub, no older than 6 he was sitting next to a tree curled up into the smallest ball ever. Another whimper escaped the little things mouth, bless.

''Are you ok?'' I kept my distance from him not to scare him, his little eyes widened when he saw me, who can blame him in wolf im at least 5 foot, i must be terrifying to him. ''It's ok im alpha of this land, now who are you and what are you doing here sweety??'' I shifted back to human, showing I was not going to hurt him.

''M...M...Micky, im Micky.I ran from them... Please they have the pack and my mummy.'' He started crying,

''Hold on sweety, we'll get them back.'' I hugged Micky closely, pulling my phone out of my pocket carefully phoning Jeremy. On the second ring he answered.

''Hello'' Jeremys voice was an attempt at innocent

''whatever you broke, pay me for it later.I've found a boy his mum and pack have been taken, i'm going to help him find them, track my phone and bring the pack.'' I hung up on him knowing that he could track my phone easily, my little ICT nerd.

''Do you know where they are?'' I unrapped Micky from my waist looking at the frightened little boy

''YES! COME ON QUICKLY!!'' He looked excited and scared at the same time.

It was 15 minutes until the boy stopped running, I could see about 17-18 wolves surrounding a huge house. Damn. **Jeremy get your butt here now, I need you** I thought to him, my urgency leaking through. My pack werent small, but these wolves look like they arent here to play.

**Were on our way, we brought Blake to** i'll kill him, both of them Blake and Jeremy, but now we need all the help we can get. I stood at the edge of the trees Micky holding on to my back leg. A russle behind me made my heart stop **its us** Jeremy told me via thoughts**wow there big guys arent they. Now I see why you wanted us to help**


I got in the car and started driving home, stupid stupid stupid!! What were you thinking?? I was to busy in my thoughts to actually pay attention to the road, until a pack of massive wolves raced across the road, they all kept close together protecting one and other, like my pack. One of the wolves looked at me, I know him, that sandy blond hair, brown eyes.  ** Hey Blake, Red found a kid in the woods, his packs been kidnapped, I got a feeling that we gonna need at the help we can get, you coming??** Jeremy. I knew the guy was familiar. Wait, did he say Redd? ** Right behind you** I jumped out of the car, going wolf the second my feet hit the ground.

We all ran, I learnt all the names, most I had only seen once or twice around school. Jeremy told me about them like Gabriel likes art, Teddy is actually called Ted, Alan and Harry are sworn enemies, Charlie's dad was best friends with Redds dad, Harry is partly blind, Gavin is scottish, Nathan is just boring, Nick and Joey are brothers, Ron and  Addison are best friends, Brayton hasnt spoke since his father died 52 years ago, Terris is the strongest wolf in Britain, Elliot has been all over the world looking for his mate, he still hasnt found her, Patch's real name is Oriitean, Jules is the youngest of the pack, Devon was abandoned at birth by this parents, and Kim is gay, but im not allowed to tell. Jeremy was trying badly to keep me talking and take my mind off of the fact that Redd might be in danger. Like that would work

It took us like 15-20 minutes to reach Redd, but it was worth it. When we reached her she had her back to us, a little wolf gripping her hind leg like his life depended on it, I was so focused on Redd and the kid that I didnt see the tree branch until it hit me in the face, **nicely done** Jeremy snickered along with the rest of Redd's pack.** Oh shut up** I barked back I felt like an idiot, at least Redd didnt see.

Jeremy nudged my shoulder calling my attention to the huge red wolf infront of me. Its whole body a pure red colour except the tip of its tail and ears they were an angelic white. A white tattoo looking thing decorated around it's left eye, it was the most beautiful creature i'd ever seen.

**You finished starring at me dumbass?** Redd's voice flooded my mind, she's just as beautiful in wolf as she is in human 

**Are you going to help my mummy?** A little wolf no bigger than 2 foot high nudged my front paw with its head

**Yes we are** Redd's voice was stern and forceful.

** What we up against?** Jeremy pushed passed everyone,

** 17-18 wolves, all male,the smallest about 5 foot and a half at the least.They mean business** she said the last part deadly serious

** Attack formation 3??** Jeremy smiled as Redd nodded her, what the?? Before I could actually ask what was happening. Redd had walked out from the cover of the tree's right into the view of the wolves. I started to walk out to help her but Jeremy stopped me ** dont. Just watch her** without another word everyone starred at her in awe as she flirted with a big black wolf, she quietly moved towards him seductively making his heart beat accelerate rappedly, she nibbled his ear, he fell to the floor she followed him slowly slipping to the floor. All of Redd's pack looked away, like it was to difficult to watch. She slid closer to him still nibbling on his ear.

Impossibly fast she bit his lower back leg, and knocked him out cold. **That was to easy** Redd laughed at the boy, who can blame him? She is impossibly sexy and the way she did that, oh I wish that was me...

Alpha femaleWhere stories live. Discover now