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Narrator pov
Hermione then yelled as Ron ate,"will you stop eating?your best friends are missing!"

"turn around,you bloody lunatic!"

"he's covered in a blood again,why is he always covered in blood." Ginny said.

"at least it looks like his own this time."

They sat down at the table next to Ginny.

"where have you two been?And what happened to your face!" Demanded Hermione.

"later.what are we missing?" Harry asked.

"sorting hat urged us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times.easy for it to say,it's a hat,isn't it?" Ron said.

Dumbledore then starts talking,he introduces Slughorn.And stuff about Snape and him being the dada teacher. He then starts talking about Tom Riddle. I glanced at Ginny who was staring at the table, I felt bad for her, he affected her badly.

"but in the end,the greatest weapon in the end,is you.just something to think about." Dumbledore says. "now off to bed!"

"I have not asked you to take out your books,"said Snape.Hermione dropped her book into her bag as Snape continued,"I want your full attention while I speak to you."

His eyes traveled all around the classroom,"I believe you have had 5 teachers in this subject.Naturally, these teachers have all had their own methods of teaching.Given this confusion I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L. in this subject.I shall even be more surprised it you manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. Work, which will be much more advanced."

He started to walk around the class room,"The dark arts,are many.varied,ever changing,and eternal.Fighting them is like fighting a many headed monster.

Which each time a neck is severed,sprouts a head even fiercer and clever than before.You are fighting that which is unfixed,mutating and indestructible."

Blah blah blah,I honestly didn't really care.They then started talking about Inferius.

Snape then said,"An answer copied almost word for word from the Standard Book of spells,sixth grade."

He kept on talking,then told us to divide in pairs.I was with Hermione,she attempted to jinx me silently,and I repelled it silently.

We kept on going back and fourth,then we started to listen to Harry,Ron,and Snapes conversation."Pathetic Weasley,"Said Snape,after a while."Let me show you."

He turned his wand to Harry so fast,Harry yelled,"Protego!"His spell was so strong Snape was knocked off balance and hit a desk.

The whole class had looked around and now watched Snape righted himself,scowling.

"Do you remember telling you were are practicing nonverbal spells,Potter?"

"Yes"Harry said stiffly.

"Yes, sir."Snape said.

"There's no need to call me sir, Professor."

Several gasped, including Hermione but I just smirked. "Detention, Saturday night, my office. I don't take cheek from anyone,including the chosen one."


Me and Hermione were walking to potions class.

"so,excited about our new Professor?" I asked.

"yeah,potions is easy,so this year should be easy.I suspect to be on top of the class." Hermione answered.
"I bet you will be, Slughorn is very nice. Me and Harry told him about you. There is no bad things to say about you, of course." I told her.

We walked to potions class and walked inside.

"sorry,are we late Professor?"

"Amelia!I thought you wouldn't be coming,both of you find yourself a spot."

Me and Hermione looked at eachother and walked near Daphne. Later Ron and Harry walked in, Ron doing potions? They both probably forgot their books.and I knew it.

"It is amortenia, sir!"Hermione said when she got called on.

He then asked her to smell it and she did,"I smell freshly mown grass,tooth paste, parchment."She blushed as she completed the sentence.

"May I ask your name dear?"Slughorn Asked.

"Hermione Granger,sir."

"Granger?are you possible related to Hector Dagsworth-Granger?"

"No I don't think so, I am muggleborn."She said.
Slughorn smiled, "you must be the 'one of our best friends is muggle born and she's one of the best in our year' I'm assuming this is who Harry and Amelia spoke of?"

"Yes sir." Harry responded

"Oh!great!you have earned 20 points to Gryffindor,miss granger!"

Now we have to make drought of living deat and partners? Harry and I looked at each other, then Ron and Hermione. We both nodded, I quickly went to Harry

"but,I'm going with Harry." Said Ron.

"Nope, go with Hermione." I gave him that stare .

"okay, okay." We walked to the potiond station and started making the potion. I had looked up at everyone. Hermione hair was fluffier than before, her face bright pink, her and Ron's foreheads sweating.

Me and Harry we're finally done,and so we're everyone else when Professor Slughorn called time. Slughorn went around,then came up to us.

"wow!this is perfect!one drop would kill us all!You both are the obvious winners! Both of you are just like your mother, inherited her talent!She was a dab hand at potions, Lily was!" He handed us the potion, proudly.

Harry and I smiled, he grabbed the book quickly off the desk and put it in his pocket.

Harry and I smiled, he grabbed the book quickly off the desk and put it in his pocket

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now