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Harry pov We were working on finding an antidote for potions, Amelia was doing good, she looked pretty much already done

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Harry pov
We were working on finding an antidote for potions, Amelia was doing good, she looked pretty much already done. I mean she was smart without the book,should I ask what she got?

I searched and searched for something.

"The Prince got anything?" Ron asked, trying to be quiet. Hermione was stuffing things into her potions. I shook my head no and glanced at Amelia but all she did was stare at the ground, in her thoughts. I grabbed something off the table and threw it at her, her hand reached down and grabbed it immediately before it could hit her leg.

She gave me a glance and I awkwardly smiled, "what it is?"

She gave me a angry look and shook her head and whispered ,"i got it wrong."

I searched through the book some more, skimming through every single page.
Amelia pov
Harry asked what it is, and I told him I got it wrong. I obviously didn't, I just remembered what Snape said in first year. Bezoar. I waited and waited until Slughorn went around, Hermione was trying to put stuff in her potion but immediately stopped when Slughorn got to Ron, then he went to me.

I set the bezoar on the table and he gave me a smile, "just like your mother!" He picked it up,
"A bezoar would certainly act as an antidote to all of the potions! Great Job, Amelia. You definitely get it from Lily, and I'm going to guess Harry also got it."

Harry showed his bezoar, "of course! You two are twins! Both got the potions smart gene from Lily!"

Harry and I glanced at each other, he nodded. I looked back down. I wasn't going to do what Dumbledore wanted us to do. I can't. I looked back at him, he whispered, "please?"

"It's going to go wrong." I whispered.

"It won't."


"Aha! If it isn't the prince and princess of potions." Slughorn said as he turned to us. "what do I owe this pleasure? Shouldn't you two go to your next class?"

"Well,Sir. I wondered if we might ask you something."

"ask away." Horace Slughorn told us.

Harry glanced at me,"we were in the the restricted section,the other day..and we came across this weird type of magic,heard it was rare,the thing we found was odd."

"what was this rare peice of magic..?"

"Neither Amelia or I can remember the name exactly..But it just got me wondering, are there some kinds of magic,your not allowed to teach us?" Harry said.

"Well I am potions master, i think your question, may better be posed to Professor Snape."

"Well, maybe but.. Amelia, Snape and I. We don't see eye to eye,really sir." Harry said and paused, he glanced at me.i shook my head.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now