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Amelia Pov "So,all in all,not one of Rons better birthdays

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Amelia Pov
"So,all in all,not one of Rons better birthdays."Said Fred.We were all around Ron,who was in the bed.

"this isn't how we imagined to hand over our presents"said George grimly,putting down some presents.

"Yeah,we imagined this scene with Ron more conscious."said Fred.

"There we were,In Hogsmeade,waiting to surprise him."George said

"You were in Hogsmeade?"Ginny asked

"We were thinking of buying Zonkos"Said Fred gloomily. "Sad you lot aren't allowed to go out to buy out stuff on the weekends anymore,but never mind that now.How exactly did it happen?"

Harry began to tell the story he told more than hundred times."Amelia got the bezoar and shoved it down his throat and his breathing eased up a bit.Slughorn had ran for help,that's when Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey turned up.they then brought Ron here."

"they reckon he will be alright.Said he will at least stay a week or so."

"Does mum and dad know?"Fred asked

"Already seen him,arrived an hour ago,they are in Dumbledores office,but will be back soon."

"So the poison was in the drink?"Fred asked quietly.

I nodded and then said,"Slughorn poured it out."
"Did he slip something into Rons glass without one of you seeing?"

"Why would Slughorn want to poison Ron?" Harry said.

"Don't know,but there's a lot of people who would like to poison Amelia and Harry,they are the chosen twins."

"You think Slughorn is a death eater?"Ginny asked.

"Anything is possible" Fred said.

"He could be under the imperius curse."George added

"Or he could be innocent."Ginny said,"what if the poison was already in the bottle.What if it was meant for Slughorn."

"Who would want to kill Slughorn?"

"Dumbledore does reckon Voldemort wants him on his side for some reason."I added.

"Yeah,Slughorn was in hiding for a year before he came here.and maybe voldemort wants him out of the way,"Harry added.


I watched as Mrs Weasley hugged Harry, "thank you! Thank you! You saved Ginny, and Arthur! And now Ron!"

"Actually Amelia saved Ginny and Ron-"

"Half our family owes you our lives, now I stop and think about it." Mr Weasley said."I guess it was a lucky day when ron sat next to Harry and Amelia."

I stared ahead, thinking about everything Draco told me about Voldemort and the death eaters.
He told me. . .It was Draco who poisoned it.

"Amelia? Are you okay?"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now