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(Warnings: Very Cringe and Badly written sex scene, I wrote this a while ago and i don't feel like changing it.)

Amelia povI walked into the common room,Ron,a Hermione and Harry were already there,I climbed over the couch and sat next to Ron

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Amelia pov
I walked into the common room,Ron,a Hermione and Harry were already there,I climbed over the couch and sat next to Ron.

"so, what are you talking about?"

"quidditch try outs ."


"I was surprised I got the last one.Cormac is good and he has a thing for Hermione." Ron said glancing at Hermione.

"Knew that,opinions Hermione?"

"he's vile." Hermione answered.

"ever heard of this spell,sectumsempra?
"no I haven't!and if you had a shred of self respect,you would hand that book in."

"not bloody likely,they take turns reading it,their both top of the class!Even better than you Hermione.Slughorn thinks he's a genius,both of them!"

"Amelia has always been smarter than me!" Hermione said to Ron.

"actually I don't think I am but thanks." I said.
"and Harry,that is cheating! " Hermione said.
She went to grab it but Harry scooted back before she could,"I'd like to know whose that for,let's me have a look,give me it Harry."

Harry closed it and got up,"no."

"why not?" She asked.

Harry speaks up, "binding is fragile,"

I look at Ron and whispered,"He is so stupid"
Ron nods and we both quietly laughed,I mocked him by mouthing,"binding is fragile" and Ron silently laughed and we looked back at ginny, Hermione and Harry.

"half blood prince?whos that?"


"property of the half blood prince."

She hands him the book back,Harry gets up and walks out,I follow him.

"sectumsempra, read about it, it's dangerous spell,don't use it,again don't use it." I told him as we walked

"Any idea on who he is?" Harry asked

"no,obviously not.." I said

I walked away,I'm not dumb,its snape,does he not pay attention in class?Or is he hiding the fact he dosent know..whatever.I walked

around,where am I going?I think I'm lost..
someone then grabbed me and dragged me into a bathroom.smells like cologne,breath smells like mint.must be Draco Malfoy.

I turned around and crossed my arms,"what do you want?"

"Calm down my little lion. What's wrong?" He said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

I scoffed,"seriously?"

"uh...seriously what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Bloody hell. You fucking ignore me for...I don't know,and now you-ugh!just fuck you.You literally payed more attention to me when we weren't together!"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now