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one: thats not possible


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she heard her alarm going off, her dogs barking downstairs, and the kids screaming outside on the street. her eyes fluttered open, drool was dried on the side of her face making her wipe it off with a yawn. she blinked tiredly, her hand turning off the alarm clock causing her to jump quickly. a shock went through her body, aurora looked at her hand with a odd look, "lets go!" willa kinsley yelled opening her sisters door, they made eye contact, "are you fucking serious?"

aurora rolled her eyes, waving her sister off making willa slam her door angrily. aurora put her feet on the ground, she blinked tiredly seeing herself in the mirror. aurora shut her eyes, the sleep fighting her- the brunette fell backwards on her bed. something seemed off, aurora looked at her lights on the ceiling, they were shimmering.

this is a dream.

aurora sat up, her bedroom wasnt her bedroom. in fact, aurora didnt even look like herself. the mirror wasnt actually a mirror, just a large portrait of someone. their face was blurry, but a large lighting bolt was drawn overtop of the person. the brunette felt tingling through her fingers, everything else was just numb. 

the brunette tried to walk, but her feet took her nowhere. she picked up her leg, tried to move it forward, but it seemed like she just hit a wall. aurora turned around to look at her bed, a window was on there other side, it was wide open. aurora jumped over her bed, which shrunk as soon as she moved towards the window.

taylor always to tell aurora not to go towards suspicious things, the number one rule. she also mentioned not to have sex, talk to strangers, get married, get a job like hers- thats besides the point. aurora whispered, "sorry mom," before stepping out of the window to a brightening light. she put her hand up so she could see, the next thing aurora knew she was falling. 

aurora went wide eyed, a scream escaped her throat as she braced for impact. the wind hit her face like she was going over a 100 miles per hour. the ground seemed to be moving away each time aurora would almost hit it. lighting flashed around her, thunder roared like it was a loud lion making aurora scream. she just kept falling, her limbs began to feel tingly and numb as the lighting continued.

then she stopped.

aurora looked at what was holding her up, it was a web. a fucking web. aurora reached for the web, going past her flexibility zone so she could grab the sticky substance. "rora." the voice said as it jumped down next to aurora, she looked over at the figure sheepishly- they were blurry but their presence seemed safe. "rora!"

auroras eyes shot open.

peter parker was next to her, a frightened look on his face like he had just seen a ghost. aurora couldn't move, her limbs felt numb and she couldn't feel them. a tear streamed down her face as a shock went up her spine, "aurora, holy shit!" willa yelled running to her older sister. peter ran to find a teacher as willa looked at aurora.

the window was broken, rain seeped into the room creating a puddle around aurora. she shut her eyes letting the pain take over, which made willa kinsley scream. aurora kinsley was struck by lighting, how was that even possible? willa had no idea. but she did know that she didnt want her only parental figure to die, "peter!" willa yelled, leaning out of the doorway to see peter and a teacher that teaches geometry run into the room. 

peter went wide eyed seeing willa start to cry, he quickly pulled his ex best friends sister in for a hug. she wrapped her arms around her friend, tears streaming down her face as an ambulance showed up- willa couldn't remember much after that. besides the people saying they are praying for aurora, the ambulance taking her away, and peter making sure willa got home safe and sound.

willa kinsley and peter parker sat alone in the living room, freddy kinsley was talking with a police officer. willa was wrapped in a blanket, her eyes focused on the photo of her and aurora. the hospital told them there was a small chance of aurora living, and if she did, it wouldn't be good for her. peter parker sat next to the younger girl, he bit his lip with worry hearing the police officer talk to auroras father. 

he hasn't been the kinsley home in a year, and it still looked the same. besides the new photos of aurora and willa sitting up on the fireplace, aurora had her school photo- which to peter made her look younger. she also looked beautiful, her brunette hair was curled perfectly- her black shirt made her bright blue eyes stand out. aurora wore a few necklaces, one of them was the ones peter gave her for her tenth birthday- he was surprised it still fit her. aurora had a small smile, it was right after the breakup and she barely smiled anymore after that.

the living room was still perfect as ever. freddy kinsley made sure everything stayed neat and tidy, even when he was drunk off his ass. his wife made this home, she designed everything, bought all the furniture- he wanted to make sure the home stayed perfect. the one thing that was different was the tone of the house, it used to be bright and welcoming- now it was just dark and gloomy.

the curtains were shut, the fireplace was out, the christmas tree lights were not even on. everything seemed different since taylors death, especially how the kinsey's acted since. aurora was never happy since her mothers death, even before that. she now was quiet, her eyes were never on who was talking to her, she always ended up crying by the end of the day. willa, she held in her sadness by faking happiness. willa was the brightest student until her mothers death, now she was failing most classes, hanging on by a thread. the two sisters were opposites, but they both were completely crushed- and peter parker wasnt there to save them.

freddy walked into the room, his eyes on willa. tears streamed down his face making willa look at him, she shook her head but freddy smiled, "she's okay." he whispered making peter look at him quickly. "she's awake."

"already?" peter asked, "how's that even possible?" he whispered under his breath as willa grabbed her coat. she threw peter his coat, the boy dropping it- he was shaking his head. this wasnt right, usually the victims would be in a coma for a while. they wouldn't wake up two hours later perfectly fine.

that was the beginning of the superheros story, aurora kinsley was a miracle.

or so they thought.


hey does anyone want to make me a sign off gif? something to fill this hole at the bottom LMAOO

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