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nine: the closet cliche

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nine: the closet cliche


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people always wanted to know what's inside that huge building, in the middle of the city. everyone knew it held secrets, some knew the secrets inside could ruin the whole world. it may seem perfect, the people inside were geniuses, they come out acting like they don't know anything. what's hidden behind the 'do not cross' doors? how many people were killed because they knew too much?

aurora always wanted to know what was behind the secret doors, of course radioactive spiders that made peter turn into a literal human spider. but what was hidden deep beneath the walls? what was so important that people had to be accepted to get in? aurora had so many questions, but she knew she couldn't ask them... so, the solution was to snoop. aurora was accepted in oscorp without applying, might as well use it to her advantage.

peter had to go help harry, or whatever his name was. it was one of peters old friends, aurora was never close with harry, but she trusted him since peter trusted him. peter pressed a kiss to aurora's forehead, "love you." she said as peter walked away. he looked back at her, 'love you too' he mouthed.

"aurora? you work here?" gwen stacy asked, her face lighting up as she walked up to aurora. the brunette nodded, "yay!" gwen wrapped her arm around aurora's shoulder, "guess i'll show you around, it is your first day!" aurora stayed silent, but gwen showed her almost everything: not the stuff aurora wanted to see, but oscorp was still cool? gwen showed aurora her computer, telling her how to search up things-

aurora had an amazing idea.

her ideas weren't amazing according to peter, but this one was definitely helpful. aurora said bye to gwen, watching as the blonde disappeared from her sight. aurora sat down at her desk, she knew this wouldn't last long, but whatever. aurora clicked the mouse, the computer lighting up, immediately recognizing her face id. aurora typed in, max dillon, the scanner immediately going through faces.

then, error. 'name not found'

aurora paused, her eyes narrowed at the computer making her believe they were hiding something. then she was blocked from being able to search, voices filled her head making aurora turn around. "shit." she whispered, turning off her computer and standing up quickly. aurora walked away hearing her name being called, "this is real awkward."

aurora walked crossed the bridge, she ran her hand through her hair as she smiled at the people she was walking past. aurora opened a glass door, looking behind her seeing the guards were gaining ground. she walked quicker, eyes on aurora as she grabbed a cup of coffee turning around. her heels twisted, aurora being caught by her hero.

peter pulled aurora in close, she went wide eyed, "hello." aurora stated quickly, her eyes looking behind peter making him raise his eyebrow. aurora grabbed his hand, pulling peter into a closet. peter looked behind him as aurora shut the door. the guards walked in front of the closet door, aurora shut her eyes hitting her head lightly on the wall behind her.

"you're in trouble already?" peter asked quietly, aurora glared at him as they continued to hold hands. "who's that guy?

"while gwen was rambling, she mentioned something about a accident in the genomics lab. they're covering it up." aurora stated, her mind going ten times faster than her mouth could handle. "and that guy that had the same abilities as me, he worked in that lab or something, and he was obsessed with spiderman-"

"i didn't get love vibes last night. i got more of a 'want to kill me with his electricity' vibe." peter stated making aurora blink at him. "sorry, continue."

"anyway, hes completely erased, from everything." aurora finished, her eyes looking out of the small window in the closet. "so now, first day and ive already got guards on my back!" aurora put her hands up, her right hand still holding onto peters as she shook her head. "so harry situation?"

"hes dying-"


"and he thinks the only thing thats gonna save him is spider mans blood and as far as i know if i give it to him, it could kill him." peter stated, "or something worse." aurora sighed, running her hand through her hair, "this is a maintenance closet rora, the most cliched hiding places you could've chosen."

aurora glared at him, "oh sorry, let me just grab you take you all the way to california, lay on the beach and hide." she mumbled sarcastically. peter chuckled softly, he looked down at his feet, "what?"

"did you get into UCLA?" he asked making aurora frown.


aurora made it into her dream school, she didnt tell anyone besides willa- who screamed of happiness. aurora hated the idea of leaving though, she couldn't leave everything behind she built. aurora didn't want to let anyone down, "yeah." she whispered, peter looking at her, " i found out literally twenty minutes ago, called willa, and now we're here. don't be mad, i'm leaving at the end of summer anyway- which is when freddy is moving with willa, if she even stays alive-"

peter grabbed his girlfriends face gently, he pressed his lips against hers making her thoughts disappear. aurora shut her eyes, immediately feeling home as she kissed him back. aurora looked at him, "is that your way of making me shut up?" she joked before she kissed him again, peter chuckled out of the kiss. "that isn't very nice."

"well, it worked didnt it?" peter replied making aurora glare at him once again, "listen you go to the elevator, i'll distract them okay?" aurora nodded before opening the door, she looked around quickly before stepping up the steps to the elevator. she turned around to see peter web a cup of coffee, he ran into the guards making aurora smile as the door opened.

"oh i'm so sorry!" peter exclaimed as he tripped another guard. aurora walked into the elevator seeing the one guard look at her, "i didn't mean to do that!" aurora turned around, the guard running to her elevator but it shut before he could anything. aurora smiled to herself before feeling a presence of someone else in the elevator.

"aurora!" harry osborn stated making aurora turn around quickly, she went wide eyed seeing his eyes on her. "sorry, didn't mean to startle you." aurora chuckled nervously, "harry, peters old friend."

"yeah, i know." aurora replied, a fake smile on her face. "i knew you in third grade." aurora chuckled, her eyes on the elevator door in front of her. 

"oh right." harry mumbled, he sighed right after. "i thought you two broke up?" aurora froze, she swallowed uncomfortably, "well since he always is talking with gwen and all, and i swore i saw them kiss just... yesterday." aurora blinked, she looked back at harry, who put his hands up. "just helping a friend out."

the elevator dinged, aurora glared at harry, "yesterday i was with peter all day, so maybe you should get your story straight before you start bullshitting me." aurora snapped before walking out of the elevator, harrys eyes on her making aurora turn around to stick up her middle finger, "nice to see you harry."

"good to see you too aurora."

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