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four: the guy that stole my brand!

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four: the guy that stole my brand!


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mj and ned both looked at the brunette quickly, mj sending a small smile towards the heroin, ned just going wide eyed. peter left while aurora was crying, he sent her a small smile on his way out making aurora believe he was trying to be nice... probably because he knew aurora would be dead in the next few hours.

aurora locked eyes with electro, the two glaring at each other. "the guy who stole my brand! how are you, you look... different." aurora exclaimed quickly, tapping the container electro was in making him glare at her. "i like the new look, way better than the smurf-"

"okay, thanks aurora." max, electro, stated with a glare on his face. aurora saluted him before walking back to ned and mj, the two shaking their heads. aurora felt a responsibility, she felt like she had to protect these two.. peter couldn't loose anymore people in any universe. for her final hours alive, aurora wanted to make sure everyone made it out alive. 

"hey ask him if this is a tree monster, or like a scientist that turned into a tree." ned stated making aurora snort.

"its just a tree man." 


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after a long few hours of norman and otto reuniting, peter fixing the power lines he fucked up, and just waiting for dr strange, finally aurora could go home. dr strange held a weird ass box in front of the group " the machinati codamus. trap your corrupted spell inside, once you've finished the proper ritual, will reverse the spell. and send these guys back to their universes." aurora nodded, a small smile on her face as she waited just to go home.

"and then what? we perish?" otto asked making aurora frown, maybe those guys, but not her. she would rather go home than perish here, which sounds like a horrible way to die. in another universe where she's already dead? no thanks. 

"nah, no thanks. i'll pass on that." max replied as aurora sat down on the stairs. 

"let me out of here. peter!" norman yelled making aurora look at rory. she was laying there on the floor of her box, she was throwing a rock up and down, catching it and repeating. aurora felt guilty, she never knew what happened to max after that fight.. she barely remembers that night. that was a good thing.

"strange... we can't send them back. not yet. " peter argued making aurora raise an eyebrow. he was really the dumbest person alive, why couldn't he just ask strange 'can you make the world forget about mysterio?' boom! problem fixed. aurora knew peter parkers (all of them) would never think of that, so they need a sidechick.

"why? "

"some of these guys are gonna die. " peter replied, so was aurora if she stayed here. so no matter what people are gonna die, but he would never realize that. he wanted to be a hero, then think about the consequences of his actions.. which will kill him in the future. it just will.

"parker... it's their fate. "

"come on, strange. have a heart."

"in the grand calculus of the multiverse, their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives. " rory raised an eyebrow from where she was sitting, man, this guy was really a debby downer. rory wanted to stay, she didnt care about the consequences of staying- but she knew aurora had way different plans. "i'm sorry kid, if they die, they die."

then it happened so quickly, peter grabbed the strange looking object box thingy before sending dr strange into a container. aurora scoffed, leaning back against her chair. "boys are so dumb," she mumbled looking at her nails as strange walked out of the container. aurora knew one of them would probably end up stuck in some box, aurora hoped it was peter.

it wasn't peter. apparently he won the fight against dr strange, which meant he was in control of the box thing. "dude, what happened? " ned asked making aurora spin around in her chair. a disappointed sigh left her mouth making mj glare at her, the two made eye contact before mj looked away back at her boyfriend.

"I just had a fight with doctor strange and I totally won-"

"what?" aurora asked, how did a wizard loose to spiderman? dr strange was sketchy, thats for sure, but now peter was even more sketchy. she knew it was her brain messing around in her head, thats what happened, she meets new people and all of a sudden she is afraid of them. but thats what freddy taught aurora to do, never trust strangers. 

"look, and I stole his ring thing. I was swinging through the city, and then I went through this... massive mirror thing, - and then I was back... - " peter rambled making rory sigh in defeat. well, her wish came true, thats for sure. 

"where is he? " aurora asked.

"where is he?" rory asked right after aurora, the two looking at each other quickly before looking back at peter. 

"he's trapped, but... I'm not sure for how long." peter replied as he glanced at aurora, she shut her eyes thinking of ways peter could press the goddamn button and end this madness. why be nice? why won't he just send them all back before he fucks something else up.

"you could've just left us to die. why didn't you? " otto asked.

"because that's not who he is." mj replied. aurora liked their relationship, it reminded her of her and peters relationship. always protecting each other, no matter the costs. it was cute, to cute. it made aurora realize she really missed peter, and she was so fucking stupid to leave him in the first place. she didn't even know why she left, grief, anger, frustration? 

"i think I can help you guys. If I can fix what happened to you, then when you go back, things will be different and you might not die fighting spider-man. " peter explained before looking at aurora, "and fixing the fate of you two."

"what do you mean fix us?"  aurora had no idea who said that, she was to busy thinking about the outcome of this plan peter got. could it be beneficial? could it kill everyone? all these questions ran through her mind, right before peter said words that made aurora believe they were actually fucked. 

"look, our technology is advanced... I can help you. "


the next chapter is definitely something to be ready for LMAO

double update since i'm feeling nice and i'll be gone tomorrow and wednesday to go a funeral lol- i barely knew the lady but she's family so...

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