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thirteen: tightrope

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thirteen: tightrope


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willa would've been sixteen just two days ago, her birthday was a funeral. her own funeral. aurora didnt talk to anyone, collen disappeared from existence. after killing his sister, he felt his world crashing down- he couldn't stay. aurora, she sat in her room staring at the tv with tears in her eyes. she couldn't process her sisters death, willa should be alive, she should be sitting in her room talking with her friends about one direction or something.

no, she was dead.

willa's room wasnt touched, it was actually clean. it was like she knew that her life would be ending soon so she cleaned it so her family wouldn't have to. willa had her curtains open, the sun was shining on her bed like she was laying there, but she wasnt. aurora opened her sisters door slowly, the door creaked on the hinges. 

aurora walked in the room seeing peter parker sitting there on her balcony. he was crying, "i'm so sorry aurora." he whispered making aurora shut the door behind her. aurora shook her head, "i should've saved her, i could've saved her."

aurora didn't say anything as she stood next to peter, the two looking at the street below them. peter sat on the ledge, his legs swinging below him. the couple said nothing, aurora grabbed peters hand, "it isn't your fault pete," she whispered, "its collens." the sun shined bright on the couple, their shadows merged together on the balcony behind them.

peter glanced at aurora, cuts and bruises filled her face making him frown. people were down the street looking at them, everyone knew aurora was electra now- it was no secret. aurora looked at new york, which was in the distance. "pete, i'm leaving new york tomorrow." aurora didn't want to see his reaction, "i'm moving to california, i don't know for how long-"

peter nodded, tears filling his eyes. "are you saying..." he didnt finish his sentence. aurora held back tears as she let go of peters hand, her eyes were still on new york- her home. willas home. aurora felt numb, her world came crashing down in a just a month. she couldn't feel anything, she didnt cry for days, she didn't smile, she didn't talk. this was the first time she talked to anyone since willa's funeral. "are you breaking up with me?"

aurora didn't say anything, tears filled her eyes as the sky began to roar with thunder. she shut her eyes, peter hopped down from the railing to grab aurora's face. she wrapped her arms around him, tears filling both of their eyes as they said their goodbyes. "aurora..." peter grabbed her cheeks softly, "please don't do this. i love you!"

aurora opened her eyes looking in his, "i love you too." 

aurora let go of his hand, peter had tears falling down his face as rain began to pour. aurora turned her back to peter, she had to do this. she had to leave him. aurora opened the balcony door hearing a whoosh behind her, aurora didn't turn back. she shut the door behind her, she slid down the door letting out a cry.

minutes passed, aurora was screaming in her room. she was throwing things at the door, glass breaking, plastic bending. tears fell down her face as she punched a hole in the wall, dust flying out. aurora grabbed a picture of her family, freddy, willa, collen, taylor, and aurora. they were so happy. aurora threw the picture at the wall, it broke in half.

aurora looked at her window, she wiped the tears from her face before opening it up. freddy was walking up the stairs, he wanted to talk with aurora. she hopped out of her window before disappearing into the night as soon as freddy opened the door. her curtain blew because of the wind, leaving no trance of his daughter. 

new york was bright, lights flashed everywhere because of the parade. people were singing, living their life as they smiled at the cameras being pointed towards them. kids ran down the streets as snow began to fall on them, adults drank their asses off in the drinking tent like the world was happy. aurora walked down the street, she had her hood on, her backpack over her shoulder.

aurora saw gwen standing at the end of the street, next to her was mary-jane. the two girls spotted aurora, gwen smiled comfortably at the brunette, "hey rory!" mary-jane greeted making aurora give them a fake smile. "how are you?" the two began walking with aurora, who shrugged in response. gwen was saying how she was leaving tomorrow also to go to england- or whatever she got accepted to. mary-jane was talking about how she was working for some company now, aurora wasnt listening.

"you got into UCLA right?" gwen asked.

aurora nodded, "yeah i leave tomorrow."

the two friends nodded at each other before dragging aurora into a shop. aurora stuck her hands in her pockets of peters hoodie, she felt tears come to her eyes as she looked at the ice skating rink crossed the street- their third date. aurora stared at the rink, peter was standing there looking at all the people. "i'll be right back." aurora whispered to gwen, who nodded in response. 

aurora opened the shop door, she bumped into harry- who smiled at the girl. "hey aurora, sorry about your sister." aurora froze, she looked at the blonde: he looked like he was dying. aurora smiled at him before looking back at where peter was standing, he was gone. "everything okay?"

aurora nodded, scoffing playfully, "yeah, i'm good." aurora opened the shop door for harry, then she followed him in. he acted different, way different. aurora wanted to get away as quick as possible but mary-jane and gwen started to talk to him. the air seemed to get heavier for aurora, she swallowed to try to get some air but it just seemed like her oxygen was cut off.

aurora walked out of the store, her hand on her chest as she bumped into someone... again. peter was standing there holding his phone, not paying attention. he looked up to see aurora breathing heavy, his thoughts disappearing as he quickly pulled aurora from the crowd of people starting to surround her. "hey, its okay," peter whispered as aurora looked at the people: they were all saying 'electra! can we get a pic!'

peter put his hood up, wrapping his arm around aurora as people took photos. aurora felt some deja vu, but she didnt know how. everyone looked at the two, some held up signs saying how much they wanted electra dead. aurora looked into a flash of a camera, making her step back as peter looked at the crowd with a 'wtf' look.

gwen caught up to the two, "here, we are going to my house," she whispered standing next to peter. the three friends opened the door to the penthouse building, the people trying to get in but the doorman stopped them as aurora turned around to flip them off. the trio all headed up to gwens room, aurora threw her bag on the kitchen table, "god people are so annoying."

aurora nodded, she sighed as she sat down on the bed, "i have to get out of here," aurora looked at the window, "i cant bring you guys into this-"

peter sighed, "you already did, and i'm not leaving you."

gwen sensed some tension in the room making her press her lips together, "everything okay between you two?" she asked with a playful smirk, aurora glared at her. nope. "well i have to get stuff ready, you guys can have the guest bedroom if you want."

"thanks gwen."

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