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fifteen: the end

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fifteen: the end.. well


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aurora looked up, her eyes narrowing on a figure in the sky. the four girls all stopped, they stood at the entrance looking at the two heroes. someone on a hoverboard flew in front of aurora and peter- blocking their vision of the girls. her heart dropped hearing someone behind them, collen. 

harry looked at peter, then aurora, then the girls. harry laughed, his eyes on collen- who aurora stared at, fear filling her eyes. "peter. when you said spider-man said no, you meant you said no." aurora bit the inside of her cheek

"harry, what did you do?" peter asked, he stepped closer to aurora. she could tell he was frightened, not of harry, of what he wanted to do- and collen.

 "what you made me do. you were my friend and you betrayed me!"

"no. I was trying to protect you." peter stated, "its gonna be okay. its going to be alright." peter tried to give harry hope, but knowing harry: he wouldn't believe it. aurora was grabbed by collen, a knife pressed to the back of her neck making her whimper. peter quickly looked over at the two.

"you don't give people hope. you take it away. " harry stated, an evil smile on his face.

"no, harry."

"i'm gonna take away yours. " the next thing gwen and aurora knew, they were up on the clocktower roof. collen was hovering next to harry and gwen. aurora was grabbed by her brother, "don't struggle aurora, it'll be worse for her." harry warned making aurora grit her teeth.

"harry!" aurora yelled, it was more of a warn than a yell. harry rolled his eyes, snapping his fingers collen dropped aurora. she screamed before peter caught her, the two crashing into the glass below them. gwen was thrown on the side as harry flew down with collen, gwen laid on a platform making aurora sigh of relief. 

something exploded making gwen fall off the platform, "aurora!" she screamed making peter stick out his hand, a web wrapped around gwen's wrist making the blonde dangle in the air. aurora was thrown into a gear by collen, who stabbed her in the gut. aurora let out a yell from the pain, blood dripped from her mouth as she looked at peter fighting harry.

aurora shot collen back into the wall, her eyes glowing bright purple. the siblings fought, sending punches and kicks towards each other. aurora didn't notice the gear gwen was on broke, she was being thrown into the wall again. collen stabbed aurora again, in the gut making her vision get blurry. 

aurora shut her eyes, all the electricity in her body going through her hands. she sent collen back, he hit his head on a pole making him pass out. a gear snapped making aurora look over at peter, and gwen.

aurora froze, gwen began to fall making the brunette jump after her. the gear aurora once stood on exploded above her, aurora stuck out her hand, she tried grabbing whatever she could just so she could save herself and gwen. her staff formed in her hands, which made it easier for peter to web onto and save aurora.

she was dangling in the air when she heard gwen hit the ground. tears flooded aurora's eyes as she looked at peter, who was hanging next to her. the three other girls ran in the clocktower all looking at gwen, peter grabbed his girlfriend before the two landed on the ground. "no!" charlotte yelled making aurora's heart drop.

aurora stumbled over to gwen, "no, no." aurora whispered, collapsing to her knees from exhaustion and hurt. lindsey held back a sob as aurora grabbed gwen, "gwen, gwen!" aurora yelled, tears falling down her face as she realized gwen was dead. "no!" aurora screamed, banging her fists in the ground.

peter lifted his girlfriend up, she needed hospital help. aurora kicked, she tried to get to her dead friend. she screamed in pain as an ambulance showed up, one of the girls must've called them. aurora shook her head, three people in the past two weeks. aurora lost three people she cared about in the past three weeks.

the funeral for gwen stacy was beautiful. aurora held onto peter's hand as they looked at her grave, they both felt like it was their faults. they both could've saved her, now she was dead. aurora noticed the stacy's by gwen's grave, making her tear up. aurora walked away from gwen's grave, never looking back.

and she never planned on it.

and she never planned on it

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aurora was living in california, alone, and with sadness. UCLA wasnt amazing, but it wasnt terrible. she broke up with peter right before she left, leaving behind the only person she loved. aurora left everything behind, her friends, her family. collen was thrown into a prison, where he will never get out... so was harry.

aurora sat in her college class, something seemed off about today. of course, ever since gwen's death every day felt off. she clicked her pen, trying to concentrate on the lesson being taught. something caught aurora's eye, making her look over at the window. aurora bit her lip nervously, the brunette stood up and walked out of the room.

aurora got a sense of deja vu, thunder roared and rain hit the windows hard. aurora crossed her fingers, 'please dont get me killed.' she thought before seeing a orangish portal appear in front of her. aurora froze, the one from her first dream-vision. aurora felt her staff appear in her hands, she tried to turn around but the floor below her disappeared. aurora screamed, she landed on the ground of new york city.

except this wasnt the new york she knew.

Spiderman swung through the air holding a brunette in his hands, she screamed making aurora raise an eyebrow. what the fuck. a news article went on making aurora look up at a billboard, she heard london and source but aurora zoned out. the brunette finally zoned back in seeing a jake gyllenhall look alike, "i dont think i'm gonna make it off this bridge alive." the jake gyllenhall look alike quentin beck stated, "spiderman attacked me for some reason and he has an army weaponized drone, stark technology. he's saying he's gonna be the new iron man, no one else." the screen flicked to quentin laying there, spider mans feet in frame.

aurora went wide eyed, what did peter do? explosions and a kids voice filled aurora's ears making her raise an eyebrow. that is not peter parkers voice. "the shocking video was released earlier today..." aurora looked around, where the fuck was she? and where was her peter parker?

then jonah jameson appeared on the screen, "what, the fuck!" aurora exclaimed making people look at her, what was happening?  

"spiderman's real name is... spider mans name is peter parker." a picture of a teenager appeared on the screen making aurora drop her staff, that wasnt peter parker. there was no way!

"what the fuck!"


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