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•- Quincie Jackson -•

The Jackson family dinner was only avoidable for so long.

I'd managed to use every excuse I could come up with to derail an invitation from my mother. It was an open one of course, as she never cared if I announced a visit before arriving. But still held to expectations of propriety, an invitation was always the elegant way to go.

Unfortunately for me, I was so caught up one evening while Elijah and I were curled on the couch that I'd accidentally agreed to a dinner that I would have otherwise ignored.

I dragged Grace and Fletcher along for the ride to help ensure my safety. If Fletcher was here, any probing or obvious degradation would be kept to a minimum for the sake of a guest.

"Quince," Grace nudges me from behind and I turn to face her, "You have to open the door or we're all going to freeze to death on the steps."

She's smiling sympathetically which I appreciate for all it's worth. But it still does not make me want to renter the house of horrors.

After another moment I reach for the doorknob and push open the door. The foyer is polished and primed to my mother's standards and Junior is playing with a set of block toys on the tile.

"Queenie!" He exclaims before dropping his blocks and charging at me. His small arms wrap their way around my waist.

"I missed you so much!" Junior's voice is muffled by the fabric of my dress but I make the words out all the same.

I reach down to the floor and pick him up carelessly. He's rested on my hip as I tug down his shirt which had ridden up when I lifted him from the floor.

"I miss you too, buddy. What have you been up to?"

Like all young kids, especially his age, Junior goes off on an unintelligible tangent about all the changes that have happened since I accidentally became estranged from my family.

He doesn't seem to notice that I'm carrying him towards the kitchen where I know my mom is working over the stove. I can only assume Lucy isn't far behind as she was always with my mom.

When we reach the kitchen I find that my assumption was right. My mom and Lucy have their backs turned towards the entryway as they both hum a tune while cooking.

The sound of Junior's speed-talking grabs the attention of my mother who hastily turns at the sound of his voice.

"My babies!" She squeals as she pats her hands on either side of her apron.

Wrapping around the island she's quick to reach us. She pulls both Grace and me into a tight hug while simultaneously squeezing Junior.

"Oh, I've missed my girls."

There's a sadness in her voice I can't ignore, but with the tension between my father and me, I just couldn't bring myself to visit.

"I've missed you," I whisper into her ear as she embraces the three of us.

"What about me!" Lucy jumps off the chair she's standing on and is quick to wrap her arms around the four of us.

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