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wibur x bbh

zombie apocalypses au

halo woke up to the sound of a loud bang from down the hall, he quickly ran down the decaying wooden stairs and he was met with three zombies that were standing in his living room. He looked past them, and he saw his door on the ground, Brocken. The sun shined through the broken door telling him that it was about 12:30 something

He reached into his jacket and he pulled out a knife, he looked at the zombie in the middle and he aimed for it's head. When he had aimed correctly, he threw the knife. The knife flew through the air and it hit the zombie in the middle of the head causing it to fall onto the ground it was not fully dead yet but it was down and that was good enough. The other two zombies spotted him and they started to run towards him. He reached into his pocket and he pulled out a switch blade. He ran to the zombie and sliced it's neck open. The other zombie went to bite him but he dodged it.

He took that as a chance to stab the zombie in the neck. They all were on the floor either dead or paralyzed he took advantage of that small amount of time and he ran into the upstairs room that he had been staying in and he grabbed his backpack and his iPod. He ran down stairs near the zombies dead body he pulled his knife from out of its neck and from out of the other zombie's. he then ran, leaving the house that he was staying in for the time.

As he was running down the street he hears the sounds of cries from a local supermarket, he pulled his backpack of and opened it to see no food or water. He must have left it back in the house. He sighed before he walked into the store his hand griped onto his knife. Halo he inched closer to the noise the more anxious he became. Once he was close enough he held the knife out before he saw what it was.

A boy laid over his dying mother's body, he sobbed as he held her body. Halo looked away from the sight it made him sad to see someone dying that wasn't already undead.

"Hey, you have to leave ill turn soon and id rather not have you die too" she said as her son sobbed. Ahs tried to ignore the sounds of sobs. But soon enough they stopped, and the son uttered a few words.

"I love you mom." Those words echoed through the dead silent store.

"I love you too." She said and with out a second thought the son pulled out a gun and aimed it to his mother's head. His finger pulled the trigger and the sound of the gun shooting echoed through the small super mart. Halo waited a few seconds to even approach the boy and when he did a gun was pointed to his head within seconds.

"what are you doing and why are you here." The man said practically emotionless.

"I heard sobs and I came in here to see what it was." He said quietly, the boy sighed and dropped the gun a bit.

"first rule to surviving the zombie apocalypse is to never investigate, have you ever seen a horror move?" the boy asked as he put the gun away.

"got it." Halo said and out of nowhere the sound of growling echoed through the store. The man grabbed halo's hand and started to run away from the store as the two were running the boy bent down and grabbed a backpack full of stuff like food, clothes and water. Halo blushed as the mans hands and his intertwined.

After a few minutes of running the two were far away from the store but now they were surrounded by 5 zombies and the bad thing was that two of them were runners 1 was a nerd and there were 2 idiots.

"hey I got the fast ones and the smart one and you get the dumb two." The man yelled. Halo smiled.

"I like that plan." Halo said as he charged toward the dumb ones. Don't think that the dumb one's were easy to kill most of them were strong. He grabbed his knife and stabbed it into the first zombies head and then he pulled the knife out and he was about to kill the other one when he was hit.

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