knee deep at the ATP

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Hey, guys so I know that this story has kinda been dead for a bit but... my uncle died so...

anyways. (also this is how i see the song so... if i get the lore wrong my au)

I'm back! and this is gonna be more centered around Wilbur than bad. (Sorry lmao)

Wilbur had just gotten off the plane he slowly walked through the overcrowded airport. He pushed the last people trying to just get out. His heart halted as people pushed past him. Knocking him back, people's eyes all fell onto him. He froze feeling like he couldn't breathe.

He quickly stood back up. He grabbed his suitcase and he started to run, pushing people away. His feet kept on going as he ran. Pushing some and avoiding others he made it to the stairs and he stopped to take a second to breathe.

"Wilbur!" Someone yelled. He turned to look at who had just called his name. Joe, Ash, and mark.

He stood there a second and ash had run from behind how and he came up to Wilbur.

"Dude are you okay?" Wilbur slowly nodded.

"Your crying," Mark said. Wilbur reached up and felt his face. He hadn't even noticed. He wiped the tears away and he smiled.

"I'm okay guys, just overstimulated.". Wilbur said, Mark gave him a suspicious look but nodded and the four soon walked over to the car.

They all got in and mark drove to the hotel that ash had reserved. Once they all got there Wilbur pulled out his phone and he checked the schedule that they had all made a few weeks ago. First, they had universal. Recording booth,  a concert, and then they had a recording section and then they were gonna go to the beach.

He grabbed his suitcase from the back and he grabbed the key card from Mark who had just payed for two rooms. He and ash walked over to the hotel room that they got. he opened the door. there was two beds and and couche. wilbur put his suitcase down on one of the beds and as he walked towards the bathroom ash grabbed him by his arm.

wilbur turned to look at ash and the look he got back was sympathy. ash gave him a questioning look and Wilbur knew what it was about. he sighed before the two sat on Wilbur's bed.

"what happened." ash asked. he was serious. wilbur sighed once again and he took a second to respond.

"there were just so many people, there eyes were like missiles that were aimed straight toward me. it looked like as if they all wanted me dead." wilbur said trying to hold back the tears that had welled up in his eyes.

ash looked at him and the look that he had on his face was one that wilbur had grew to know over time. ash didn't know what to say but it was a face that he made whenever he wanted wilbur to know that it would all be okay, and that he was there. wilbur wiped the tears and he soon smiled.

they both got ready and they walked over to where joe and marks room was. they all got in the car and they headed out. first the four all went to universal. they all rode rides and took many many photos. it was overall a great time and as soon as they got to the hotel wilbur passed out on the uncomfortable hotel bed.

*in the morning.*

Wilbur woke up to the sound of the binding being opened and not even a second later he groaned. now he was blind. he tried to tell ash to close them, but all that came out was a angry mumble. ash gave a half hearted laugh before harshly ripping the blanket off of wilbur.

Wilbur soon awoke, they all got dressed, wilbur picked out the shirt that had the concerts logo on it. and they then got into the car. headed to the recording booth and they all finished a song they they had been writing. after two hours they were done. and they were on there way tto the concert. but as they were driving wilbur saw a record place and he aske mark to pull over so he could look. which he did.

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