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Ozzie hummed discontentedly, hissing at the loud blue LED strips burning into their retinas as they opened their eyes.
[A/N; This is our MC, a dirty-haired brunette genderfluid seventh-grader with a pudgy but muscular build with pale skin. Their preferred name is Pyro, after our favorite Valve game's fire-wielding offense class. To avoid confusion between the RED Pyro and our Pyro, they will be nicknamed Ozzie; despite the name Pyro being used during school hours.]
Shuffling from the heavyweight covers he stood up, running a hand through their hair as they grabbed their phone and portable charger, tossing it into their open bag as if routine.
Slipping off their pajamas she snuck into a hoodie and stacked sports bra as a makeshift chest binder. Struggling with socks they ended on mismatched, stumbling out of the room they grabbed their back and mask, equipping both before yelling out behind them to their currently sleeping father.
"Bye Papa!" A tired grumble of 'Bye punkin' ' came afterwards.
Dashing out the door after quickly petting his cat, he ran down swiftly to the bus stop, panting silently as he ruffled his hair in comfort. Glancing out of the sight of their glasses they had to do a small doubletake. The sight of a man in a fully red decked out suit, and all needed accessories confused them, and the fact that they had not spotted him on the second look-back frightened them.
Tapping their foot against the cement they launched themself into the bus as it arrived. Sitting down with a stumble they pulled out their phone opening Discord to frantically express what they had saw. Jumping at the loud buzzing of their ringtone the quickly silenced their phone.
He calmed at the sight that it was only his best friend; Crow.
[A/N; Our other MC! A dark brown curly haired, tan skinned, abrogender seventh-grader with a chubby build and makes up for lack of muscle with a smart quip of the mouth and a mind full of sass.]

Crow; dude you surw you arent in a shitty fanfic or smth?
cause it sounds like your bein stalked by sm1 lmao

I don't think so?
This is serious Crow im legit scared hhh

youll be fine man
If you wrent dead by the time you get to school then I would-say not to worry about it

Oh did Ozzie worry.
The moment that she stepped into first period math, she knew this day was going to be extreme. Glancing at the desk of Ms. [Redacted], she saw no teacher.
Said tween jumped, stumbling backward and hitting the carpet with a groan. Karter let out a strained laugh, Brady facepalming, and a very anxious Kai jumping from her seat to help.
Rising to stand himself,Ozzie hissed towards Crow who snickered, "Fucking rat-!" He slipped past the Teacher's hearing from the doorway.
"Ooh-! She swore! [DEADNAME] swore Ms. [Redacted]!" Karter snarled out accusingly.
"No I didn', Common Karter-!" Ozzie barked back.
"Then why did I hear you say it?!" He yelled back.
"Boys! Settle down." Ms. [Redacted] hissed. "Now! Today we are having a special guest in our classroom to speak about the importance of mathematics in professions!"
Silently mouthing an 'Oh fuck' to Crow beside them, Ozzie jumped at the feeling of a glove on their shoulder. Quickly turning to attention they locked eyes-well eyes to goggles-with a red dressed male, no taller than themself in a yellow hardhat and overalls.
"Now ya' don't have to go introducing me all formally Ma'am." He spoke from his dark colored face mask, releasing his grip on Ozzie.
He strolled to the front of the class, turning to face the class the man tipped his head slightly as he introduced, "I work as a mechanical Engineer, ma' workplace just calls me Engie for short but you kiddos can call me Dell or Conagher. Drop th' honorifics."
Ozzie narrowed their eyes as they watched the man present a blueprint, explaining each of us the need for angles and dimensions transferred into decimals.
"Quick round of trivia for those of y' who've been listening."
At that moment you could visibly see the shock and fear mixed on Crows face know they doodled the main time.
"Whats the square root of 396?"
Everybody in the class but two hands clung to the desks.
"Front kiddo?"
Ozzie bit their mouth as they answered with rapid speed, "19.900"
Seemingly impressed as he watched Kai's hand slide down with disappointment, knowing such meant she had the answer as well.
"8.42 • 74?"
Three hands.
It was a continuous loop between Kai, Ozzie and Crow's guessing.
Ozzie laughed in triumph, mainly disbelief.
Dell nodded, glancing up as the bell rang.
Shoving Crow teasingly he yelped, "Py you asshole-!"
"Rude-!" Ozzie scoffed teasingly, grabbing its hoodie and dragging it out of the room.
Dashing down the hall Ozzie laughed, despite the mask in the way you could tell there was a smile there. Dragging him down to the Yearbook room, stumbling backwards as they collided with an eighth grader.
Groaning in pain as she backed up she glanced down at the red spilling into the fabric of her mask.
"Bro what the fuck?!" The older yelled, spinning around.
"You were the one not moving during passing period, straight in the doorway-!" Ozzie barked back, stepping further up next to him.
"Sa-Py quit it its fine." Crow muttered, grabbing Ozzie's shoulder, quickly releasing him as a fireproof suited person stepped forward, a harsh fiery glare burst from behind the visual goggles of the optical gas mask.
"Mph-! Mmph. (Back! Off.)" They hissed muffledly, stomping further in-front of the younger graded student.
The upperclassmen scattered, leaving the matched heighted person in flame attire to turn to the two. Ozzie took a breath before holding a hand out to shake.
They accepted the gesture.
"Thrry cmmly Pyhrm(They call me Pyro)" They spoke attentively, the statement making Ozzie freeze.
Jumping slightly he exclaimed, "Pyro's my name too-!" Ozzie set his hands out expressively.
Crow stared in horror as it shrunk down in his spot, "OH GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM!"
Both Pyros glanced at each-other before the masked one giggled.

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