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Walking alongside Soldier, Ozzie could feel the weight of his suit making his body much slower than it used to be, the warm thick clothing only attributing to the hot beating sun on his head. Each step he took made him all the sleepier, eyes threatening to close with each blink. The world was getting fuzzy again, slowly following suit with his eyes.

He suddenly jolted awake as a cold feeling washed over him. He looked back up at the shady room, where a snoring Demoman lay at a bar.

Each bottle and flask shimmered in the red lighting surrounding it, reflecting back the multitude of the dark room. Beast could outstretch his hand into the void and pull a chunk off and play with it in his hands.

His eyes flickered over to Soldier who had a bright prideful smile on his face as he ushered the young teen forward. Ozzie yelped and stumbled against the counter, looking back to both adults in the room before shuffling to sit up on a bar stool.

"Considering it's your first drink...Do you like sweet or spicy private?" Soldier announced as he ducked under the counter on the other side, pulling out two clean glasses.

"Uh... something sweet sir." Beast pulled his mask down with a hiss as it depressurized itself from his lower face. The feeling was odd like a child sucking on a cup to get 'bigger lips.' He giggled at the memory.

Maybe that was something that only he did as a child. Tap tap tap, tapping away at the wood was Ozzie who hadn't noticed the drink poured in front of them.

"Now tha's got a kick to it lad, so brace youself!" Demo had awoken in just drunken state, guffawing as any recently awoken intoxicated man would do.

Looking back to Soldier, his eyes fell upon the label. He felt his limbs tense as he bit his inner cheek. Was this guy fucking mad?

"Fucking bottoms up I guess..." Ozzie took the glass, grabbing it firmly and feeling the thick liquid slip down his throat. The smell was overwhelming, and the taste almost felt gritty but he had been too focused on the texture to notice that he drank half of it in one go.

He sets the glass down shakily as his free hand balls into a fist. His eyes were watering difficulty and making his lips sticky. He whimpered and coughed as the sweet syrupy stuff stuck to his tongue and the roof of his mouth. The two men laughed so loud it felt like the roof would fall down around them.

Beast choked out, avoiding spitting out the residue as he screeched, finally opening his eyes to the smearing vision he had, "Jesus! Oh god..."

Demoman patted him on the back with proud tears in his eyes as he barked out, "Aye! That's the way ya' do it! Taking it like a champ. Especially with-tha' brand! Heh, Engie's gonna kill you Solly-boy!"


Beast felt a short giggle abrupt from his throat which was attributed to a slight tipsy blush on his face. Through his coughs, he laughed with the drunken adults.

Though sadly the laughter was cut short as Heavy entered the room, confused as to the extra noise. Beast's eyes widened as he tried to stifle his uncontrollable giggling, holding his head down on the counter.

"Is little recruit okay?"

"Oh yes! He's perfectly fine." Soldier responded. He had a good poker face, but Ozzie clearly didn't so Demo held the boy's head down to try and silence him.

"Why is he here with you? Such young children should not be at the bar."

Heheh...his accent was funny! Ozzie couldn't help but laugh, his eyes peering out from under his hair as his chest heaved from the struggling laugh under Demo's hand.

Demo and Soldier looked at each other before they signaled that they indeed were fucked.

Ozzie reeled his head back with a frantic bout of laughter, falling back onto the floor with a fearful but hilarious yelp.

His legs splayed out behind him as he laughed his heart out, his lungs and mouth were numb as he curled into himself.

He could feel the large Russian man pick him up with nearly one hand. He said something unintelligible to the others. Everything was just so funny!

Holding the giggling teenager in his arms, Heavy narrowed his eyes at the two explosives classes. He wasn't an idiot and he could tell when one was drunk out of their minds. That includes this little one in his hands.

"Да, Beast needs rest." He muttered as he slapped Soldier on the helmet as he walked out resulting in the patriot screaming something about him being a communist. Hm. The Russian found it ironic that such a child could have a devilish class name like 'Beast' but couldn't object to what the old woman chooses.

Dropping Ozzie off in his room, Heavy shook his head with disappointment. Such a shame. Bad influences. Maybe he should cook something for the kid for when he wakes up.


The commons were bustling with the energy of Scout and Pyro arguing over Uno, Engineer, and Sniper placing bets on who would attack the other first. Medic was leaning against the wall, watching the debate, a soft laugh in his throat as he looked over to Heavy.

From the smell, that was beef stroganoff, for the number of times that their chore chart had resorted to Heavy or Engineer to cook for them was immeasurable so they did with what they could.

Hm. He would have to loop the teens into the chore system without upsetting the others. Blinking away his thought a chuckle stifled in his chest as he looked back up to see Scout lunged onto Pyro sending them into a rolling tussle.

"Bloody fuckin-! Damn it, Scout." Sniper growled as he placed a hand on his aviators, rustling in his pockets as Engineer guffawed at the sight, nearly dropping the soda in his hands. "Pay up, Stretch!" Engie slammed his fist on the table with a devious smile that was commonly seen on the battlefield.

"Ow-! Mutha'fuckin mute son of a-" Scout tried to aim a punch at Pyro but ended up being kicked in the stomach by the merc below him. He landed on the floor as Pyro swiftly took haste to arm himself, holding one of its flare guns to Scout's head mockingly.

The team paid no mind to the young adult's feminine scream for help before Pyro pulled the trigger, a weaker airblast setting Scout fully on the floor as it laughed, clapping happily at its win and running back to Engineer's side.

"Keep forgetting that it has that..." Scout mumbles as he rubs the back of his neck as his face is flushed red with embarrassment. Medic silences his soft laughter as he shakes his head at the unwinding scene before him. It was nice, this had been the longest portion of a cease-fire they have had in a long few years. Watching everybody get along; except for the few arguments here and there.

His gloves tightened around the pen in his hands as he scribbled and jotted down notes in that chicken-scratch cursive. Thankfully they had found Beast, well by they he had meant Mikhail obviously. Though he was disappointed to high hell that he was found DRUNK. The drag of the ballpoint pen felt as smooth as butter, something he loved about writing was the feel of the texture between the pens, pencils, and different papers he came across.

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