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Ozzie panted, dramatically collapsing onto the cold linoleum floor.

"Sorry kid- kinda forgot you were there. Eheh-." The Scout snickered and lifted his baseball cap up to ruffle his sticky hair.

Ozzie rolled over, throwing her middle finger up in response.

Standing up with a reluctant lift of the hand she crossed her arms. Her tongue was dry and her mouth felt like she had just eaten the sand itself.

"Do you guys have any water?"

Crow asked, walking in soon behind to stand defensively next to Ozzie, who in general was dying of exhaustion.

"Uh-...Yeah, yeah we do in th' freezer."

Is it so damningly hot that they have to put water in the freezer to keep it cold-?

The thought died as she opened the freezer. Grabbing two water bottles she looked towards Crow whom was unaware of the task at hand, snickering quietly as she chucked the waterbottle at them.

Crow grit it's teeth as he exclaimed, "Mother FUCKER!"

Ozzie yelped and laughed out, "I'm Sooorrrry!!" She dashed from the counter as she slammed the fridge door closed. Opening the water bottle she chugged it as she took shelter on top of the fridge with a leap.

"Get down from there you little-!" Crow yelled, grabbing their own waterbottle, throwing it up to hit them.

"I already said I was sorry-!!"

Jeremy leaned against the counter. These two reminded him of his older siblings, constantly rough-housing, running around and throwing things.

Scout quickly rushed out of his nostalgic stupor as Ozzie toppled off the refrigerator, running over and grabbing the stray waterbottle and shoving it back in the fridge. Sadly that left Ozzie to fall straight on her face.

"Alright you two. Cut it out." He sneered in an attempt to silence them.

"I swear to god." Crow muttered with a small smile.

Ozzie smirked from below the mask.

She jumped down onto the floor standing upright to stretch.

Finishing off her water she tossed it in the recycling after hearing they couldnt refill it. Weird place to live where you cant refill water from the sink. Where are we anyway? Flint, Michigan?

Crow was soon requested to go to Medic's laboratory, so Ozzie was left bored and alone in the base.

Stomping around the rec room, Ozzie groaned, bored.

Angrily they ran up to their conjoined rooms. She slammed the door and rustled around in a messy drawer stuffed with random clothes which seemed to be her size.

"Aye! Lassy! Keep it down woul'ja?" The drunk scotsman yelled from across the hall.

"Sorry not sorry, Tavish!" Ozzie called while reeling back and tucking in the bedsheets.

"At the base it's Demoman, ye' walloper!" He howled with laughter and trudged down the hallway.

Ozzie shuffled through her side of the dresser drawers and her hand brushed against a sleek purple hunter's bow. She felt a twitching run through her fingertips.

A smile crept onto her face as she grabbed the bow and the quiver of arrows that came with it and dashed outside of the base.

Crow shuffled into the bloodied cascade of marble flooring. There was a large gurney in the middle of the room with a fridge at the side and a long desk full of bloodied medicinal tools for surgical use. Definitely some used needles over there.

He huffed and stepped on the dried blood with a disgusting squelch as he called out, "Uhm-! Medic?"

"Vhat is it?!" The Germanic accent snarled from somewhere distant.

"It's Crow! Erm." He set his hand on the gurney to avoid slipping in their sneakers. A loud crashing and clanging of metal was followed by soft cooing of birdlike nature.

Crow yelped as a bloodied dove flew straight at them. It hovered in the air and trilled, landing on his shoulder and puffing up its feathers as it curled up in the crook of their neck.

Medic came fumbling after the white bird, swearing up a storm in German as his hair, normally preened and slick was ruffled. He hissed, "Archimedes! Geh weg von ihnen, du nutzlose Taube!"

The dove chirped and flittered away from Crow and disappeared into an air duct. Medic huffed and pressed his hair down as he watched it scrabble away. He looked back at the tween.

"Birds! Eheh." He smiled devilishly as he spun around and his lab coat followed suit.

"Now fraulein. Let's practice some medicine..." his tone became dark as he snapped his gloves and pulled a needle from his desk, filled with a sort of thick gold liquid.

Crow could feel the fear make their skin twitch as the mad doctor beckoned them along. Though they wondered wether they were the patient, or if they were going to be put through trials.

The man's smile was not very reassuring.

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