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Ozzie watched the other Pyro demonstrate how to start a fire and -reluctantly- put it out. The 2nd period went by fast as an energetic Pyro waved them off.
"Come on Crow! Science is like- the easiest part of the day!" Crow groaned at the sentence. Dashing to 3rd period they entered just as the bell rang.
"Yes!" Crow exclaimed, sighing with relief as he walked over to his seat while Ozzie split off to theirs.
Ozzie could see a dark-skinned male in an eye patch and beanie, and a male with black hair in a labcoat.
"Well then." Ozzie mumbled. Mrs. [N/A] stood beside the two men, hushing the class from Crow and Ozzie's entrance.
"Now, I must introduce our guests, Mr. Degroot and Doctor Ludwig."
The Doctor rolled his eyes while Degroot tilted his head and spoke softly in a thick scottish accent," Aye, ya' can jus' call me Tavish or Demo if ya rather."
Ludwig spoke, practically stunning us all but 4 of a line of mumbled  scrambled german curses before he regained composure, "I vould prefer if you call me "Zhe Medic"  Kind. "
Ozzie nodded before paying close attention to the Scotsman, analyzing him before moving onto the German.
"Now 'eres my profession lads 'n lassies, I work with explosives. "
His exxageration of the word turned to hearty laughters as he saw the look on the students faces.
"Ach, ye ain't doin' it right. Potassium Chlorate is very tricky stuff for ya wee ones. Now which one of ye's knows what we'll be doin' insteada the real deal?" Fireworks.
"We're gonna make fireworks." Ozzie called out, addressing the coloring and supplies.

"Good eye Lassie! We'll be makin some bottle rocket fireworks today. Considerin' that it's around Sm- Christmas, you'll be launchin em at the light festival later tonight."

Ozzie smirked behind her facemask as she quickly ducked her head, a loud snap resulting from so as a pop-snapper lay open on the floor with saw dust and flint scattered everywhere. Acting time.
Ozzie was unphased by the noise, whipping around and standing up to face a very snickery Cian.

Ozzie stomped up to him hissing out, "Throw one at my head again and I will water-board you."
Prodding a finger at his chest Ozzie grit their teeth in a growl, quickly tugged back to her seat by Crow.
Ozzie bit their tongue, observing their firework. It looked good, the outside design was good, what were they missing?
The fire part.
They looked longingly at the firework before slamming their hand down and shooting it up, blurting out accidentally, "I'm done sirs!"

Their bottle rocket firework was rigged to explode in the air, they had painted the inside black as to hide this secret.

"It looks great Ozzie!" Crow complemented.

Ozzie pointed to theirs, "Y' need some help there bud-?"


Ozzie was uninpressed.

"Yes please."

"There we go."

Ozzie stood and set their bottlerocket on the front counter, the proceeded to faux-jump over a table over to Crow's side. He snickered when they had jumped from appearance.

"No- Crow, you dont just shove the detonator in there you wrap the fuze around the gunpowder patch, when it's lit it melts the color inside to sink in so you get a better color!" Ozzie huffed in annoyance. "Why do I bother? You'll find a way to make it work anyway."

Crow laughed.

Ozzie rolled their eyes lightheartedly.

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