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They huffed as they finally finished their second lap of the activity course. Some kids had vomited, others had passed out.

"Ugh.. somebody off me." They groaned kneeling down on the ground to sit.

"You did great Kid!"

Sighing in pain as the bell rang. Social Studies. That was all the men right-? So social studies should be normal.
And it was. Splitting from Crow for PRIDE, they fell down into their seat to rest for once.

They blinked at what they remembered, groaning as they curled in their seat.

Jumping as one of the Red men stepped in, being Dell from first period. Stepping to Ms [N/A] he requested for Ozzie. They blinked and stood, stepping beside him formally. Wincing as their legs almost gave out once they reached him.

Stepping out to the 6th grade Hallway she was surprised to see Crow there as-well.

And the 8 other men.

Including that suited one.

She sidestepped closer to Crow, blinking between each of them.

The purple dressed woman from before stepped ahead.

"Mx. Young, Mx. Faranda." They diverted their attention to the clipboards in her hands. Each equipped with a pen and sheet of paper.

Both were given one.

"You two have been selected by your skills to join a team of mercenaries in the Gravel Wars." Ozzies eyes widened as she yelped out, "Mercenaries-? Like the war variation of assasins?"

Crow looked wary.


"But we're in middle school!" Crow muttered. Scout gave a look of  'I told you.'

No response.

"We don't have a choice. Do we?" Ozzie mumbled, voice crackling slightly with caution.

No response.

Reading over the papers they signed. Once Ozzie had, Crow followed soon after.

Ozzie was shaky.

Ms Pauling turned on her heels as she led the RED team outside. They were informed that they had a day before they would be taken down to a place called Tuefort, New Mexico.


Ozzie had informed her parents. She sobbed in their arms as they had to part. Packing all that she needed, she read over the paper that had been torn from the contract and given to them. Pets are allowed. But she couldnt just leave with Frances. Her parents need him.

Oh boy.
Stumbling at the airport to get on the Mann. CO provided jet, they stumbled until they sat down beside Crow. Jittery as they had never been on a plane.

Both held eachother's hands, stressed. Crow was staring out the window whilst Ozzie was on the verge of tears again.

Ozzie wrung their hands together before-
"So kids. Whattdoya' think yer' class names'll be?" It was Jeremy who dropped to to a crouch with the seated tweens.

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