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The roof chittered and groaned as sandy wind whipped and hissed about the shingles and doorways, causing a light rumble in concrete.

Ozzie crouched as a roar of thunder screeched its way around them. A shake in their step as they went to close the window. Reaching it two glowering eyes stared back in the reflection with a wide uncanny smile plastered on the outside. With a loud shrill scream, they took off running to the commons, tossing the bow and quiver off of their back in a panic. Tears beaded at their waterline as they grabbed at their hoodie, glancing around frantically. Crow was nowhere in sight.

A heavy heaving in their lungs caused the room to spin about and melt. Where were they? What the fuck. Everything aches. Too warm. Breathe. Breathe. Can't breathe. Their fingers felt numb as they spun about in a panic, lost as the wind whistled it's deadly song throughout their eardrums. Pounding and chilling. It didn't feel cold. It cant be a thunderstorm without the cold. Where are they. Is this hell? I want my mom. My dad. Where's my ca-?!

    Arms reached behind them, hooked them up from under their armpits. It was another person. Their breathing started to lessen in their ears as a male voice, struggled in tone hissed, "Christ. Wiley little bugger!" the voice was Australian.

The middleschooler shrieked and kicked the man with their heel, sending themself to the cold cement floor. In and out paced their breath, they clawed at the granite to get away, but with a swift movement their arms where pinned behind their back.
"Hey. Easy now... I's just me, Sniper. Y' remember me now ankle bitah'?" The Sniper slowly eased his grip as the teen quit their thrashing.

Salty liquid coated their face as they blinked, shaking fervently as they scrabbled away from the marksman. Another bellowing clap of thunder made Ozzie recoil into their knees, covering their ears.

Sniper felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked back and forth. It was practically midnight, nobody was awake at this time. He shuffled closer to Ozzie, attempting to remember where he had placed those damned sound-proof headphones he used for target practice.

"Stay 'ere." He ordered, standing up quickly and running off.


Crow hissed their breath and curled his knees to his stomach. Groaning as they glanced down at the winding scar on their chest and few pricks on their arm they were sent on their way to the commons.

He trudged tiredly to the fridge and warily grabbed some bacon from a random open pile just left out in the fridge.

Sitting down besides on the couch they leaned back and nibbled on said bacon as they watched whatever was on the old rickety tv.

"Looks like Ludwig haz had his fun." A french accent hummed, red dissipated through the cut air, making Crow yelp and put their fists up instinctively.

"Calm down. I am one of your own. No need to fist fight young one." Spy crouched down in front of them, eyeing the scar that peered out from below their hoodie.

Crow narrowed their eyes and continued to nibble on their food. A twitch in their hands as Crow heard a crash in the opposing hall of the Commons.

Spy looked over and dissipated into thin air once again. Well shit.


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