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Once the coast was clear, Scout couldn't hear the end of it from Spy, shrinking down against the frenchman's yelling. "You should have never let zhem out of your sight, not once! You are an imbecile do you not understand how much danger you put thoze boys through?!"

Spy grit his teeth and raised his hand up swiftly, only catching a glimpse of instinctual fear in Jeremy's eyes. He flinched. He flinched. Spy could feel some sympathy itch in the back of his mind but that sympathy boiled up to rage. He let his hand fall down as he placed the other up to his balaclava, shifting it a bit.

"Just... go make lunch Scout. Nothing too heart-attack inducing." Spy glared as Scout nodded, gulping and dashing off to the kitchen.

Spy held his head down as his eyes narrowed with cold professional prejudice, his stride was harsh and swift as he slammed the door to his smoking room.

The comfortable wafting scent of tobacco calming his senses. His hands traced the splintered wood desk beside the crackling fireplace. Each dip and divet in the texture made him shiver, the man had always had a problem with such temporal things like sense or memory.

His hand gripped tightly against the red plastic phone, lifting it up and dialing a number he knew by heart. His breathing stark and hollow as he heard the receiver pick up.

"Alexandre? What are you doing calling me at this time of the ye-?"

The woman's soft concerned tone was stopped by a sharp growl from Spy, who's grip nearly shattered the soft mechanics inside of the slick red device.

"Where is that bastard. His step-father." The assassin's French accent slipped from his vocals with a dark menacing threat to it.

"What? Laurent, you know I would never have re-married! How dare you assume such a thing?!" The woman shrieked over the phone, the sound of a few male boys over the phone trying to calm her down while another voice that could only be a bit older than Scout yelled in the background, something along the lines of 'police.'

"I saw how he flinched, Lena! You know zhat there is nothing you can hide from me!"

Spy slammed his hand down onto the table, his brain screamed at the sudden texture change from his soft chair to the harsh wood.

"Where is he!? I swear-! I will kill him once this is over, I swear it my dear, I will keep him safe from you and your boys, just as I am doing with mine!" Spy barked into the receiver, he could no longer listen to the woman begin to sob quietly and hear the sound of her older sons consoling her.

He slammed the phone down onto its base, soothing his heaving chest as he reached into his breast-pocket, pulling out a packet of his infamous cigarettes and lighting it oh-so-carefully and taking a thick drag of it before he rest his head on the desk, shaking his head to himself.

Why did the feeling of Scout just... abandoning those kids hit him so hard in the heartstrings, the way they act around him, their mannerisms unique in their own way. Maybe this was God's way of giving him a second chance? He thought as his mind began to drift.


Ozzie could feel the tough bark under his hands, the way his fingernails dragged tannin under them as he scraped his way to keep his balance.

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