Chapter 11: Trauma

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Jack sighed happily and stood on the small shore overlooking the vast ocean, his hands confidently placed on his hips. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fresh sea air. Then, he turned his head around to look back at the two people who were lagging behind. "Come on, slowpokes!," he teased. "Don't tell me you guys are already exhausted! Heh, and you two call yourselves adventurers?" His two friends finally caught up with him, panting heavily with sweat pouring down their faces. One was an old man with a white beard. He was dressed in a blue hooded robe with goggles on top of his head. The other person was a young woman with dark yellow hair that was tied into a messy ponytail, and slightly dark skin. The most noticeable thing about her, however, was the strange, prismarine gauntlet that was stuck on her arm.

"Well, excuse me, Jack," the bearded man huffed tiredly. "Not all of us are lucky enough to be naturally gifted with absurdly monstrous stamina." Jack chuckled. "Come on, Vos, don't be such a sourpuss," he said goodnaturedly. "Exercise is good for you! Or did none of your books ever tell you that?" "If this is what exercise is like," Vos retorted, "then yes, I would very much prefer to spend my spare time in a library." Jack chuckled before turning to the only female of the group and playfully slapping her on the back. "What about you, Sammy?," he asked. "Are you up for a little adventure?" Sammy glared up at Jack while breathing heavily, her hands on her knees. "You suck, Jack," she sighed tiredly. "Ouch," Jack said jokingly, holding his hand to his chest in mock pain. "Man, I'm surrounded by wimps. Come on guys, where's your sense of adventure?" "In case you've forgotten, this isn't supposed to be a fun little trip like you're making it out to be," said Vos. "We're only going to that sea temple in order to get that Structure Block and cover up the Pit before it spits out more mobs." "I still don't like that name," said Jack, his forehead scrunching up. "Pit. Sounds more like a bathroom stop than anything else."

Suddenly, the gauntlet on Sammy's arm began to glow. "Saaammyyy," a faint whisper echoed in her ears. Jack eyed the gauntlet suspiciously. "Yeah, we're definitely close now," he said. "But how on earth are we going to get to the sea temple?," asked Vos. "I mean, the entire structure is underwater and protected by guardians." Jack chuckled. "Vos, old buddy," he said. "You forgot who you're talking to. I ALWAYS come prepared." He took out three diving helmets and gave two of them to Vos and Sammy while putting the third one over his head. Vos and Sammy did the same with their helmets. Then, Jack proceeded to dig a small hole in the sand, place a chest in it, fill it up with some spare helmets, then cover the hole back up again. "Just in case we need to come back here," Jack explained, not knowing that in the near future, he won't EVER want to return to this place ever again. "Alright, you guys ready?" "About as ready as we can be," replied Vos, while Sammy gave a thumbs up. "Okay, then," said Jack. "Let's do this." The three of them dived into the water and let themselves slowly sink to the bottom. "Let's see... it's gotta be this way," said Jack, pointing in a seemingly random direction. "Excuse me, Jack, but how do you know that's where we are supposed to go?," asked Vos. "Intuition," Jack said casually, shrugging his shoulders. The three of them swam in that direction until a large castle made of prismarine was finally in their sights. "'s beautiful...," said Sammy.

"And deadly," said Jack. "Look." He pointed at what appeared to be dark blobs moving around the temple. When the blobs came closer, the three of them were finally able to see what they were. "Guardians!," cried Sammy. "Get down!," yelled Vos. The group quickly swam down, just in time to avoid a laser shooting out of the eye of one of the guardians. "Swim to the temple as fast as you can!," Jack ordered. The three of them swam towards the temple while narrowly dodging lasers cutting through the water. However, when they arrived at the temple's front gate, they couldn't get it to open. "We're locked outside!," yelled Vos. The group turned around and saw the entire group of enraged guardians swimming towards them. "Take cover!," yelled Jack, ducking his head. However, Sammy had something different in mind. She noticed a small hole in the wall, which seemed to fit the size of her gauntlet, and she knew that it couldn't be a mere coincidence. As the guardians got closer, she decided to take the risk and punch the gauntlet into the hole. A giant shockwave emanated from the temple, killing off every guardian in the surrounding area, while also opening the gate. Jack and Vos slowly turned to Sammy, who was staring at the gauntlet in shock. " know, this gauntlet's really starting to grow on me," she said. "Heh, you can say that again," said Jack. "Man, that was freaking awesome."

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