Chapter 18: Bittersweet

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After the Ancients were defeated, the moon finally began to move again, and with it came sunrise, lighting up the whole world with natural sunlight for the first time in what admittedly felt like forever. But despite the great victory that everyone had achieved, nobody forgot the great tragedy that came along with it. Even though it had been weeks since the whole world was saved, the mourning for everyone who had died at the hands of the Ancients still went on. Nobody forgot the wounds that had been inflicted on them during that awful, awful week, and nobody wanted to forget. Once word got around that Alex had sacrificed herself to save everyone, a massive funeral was held in her honor at Beacontown, and so many people attended it that the city ended up being overcrowded for months on end.

Another sad part of this story's conclusion was this - Edgar killed himself. He couldn't bear the thought of living in a world where Radar, his own son, was dead. He also felt incredibly guilty over Nancy's death, blaming himself for not being there for her when she needed it. He was found in his bathtub which was half filled with cold water. His wrists had been slit with a broken piece of glass. His body was cremated and his ashes were tossed to the wind.

It also turned out that being Admins was only a temporary thing. Just a few hours after the whole ordeal, everyone ended up reverting back to their human selves and were unable to transform ever again. For them, it was a huge relief. They didn't want that kind of power.

Both Beacontown and Champion City were rebuilt, and it wasn't long before they were once again bustling with activity. At first glance, it seemed as if things were finally going back to normal. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Even though everyone tried to forget and move on with their lives, the memory of what had happened stayed with them. Nell fell into a deep depression after finding out that her friends were dead, and it took the help of Em, Stampy, Dan, and Stacy to get her through those hard times. Even though the Order of the Stone were the ones to suffer the most, one thing was clear: nobody was left unscathed.

Isa was like a zombie after everything that had happened. Ever since Alex sacrificed herself to save everyone, the former Founder just sat there in her room all day, staring off into space. Stella and Milo had to force feed her in order to prevent her from starving herself. It took a while, but with the help of a few therapists and some medication, Isa was slowly returning back to her former self, though she was never quite the same ever again. There were still times when she would zone out or inexplicably cry for no reason, but other than that, she seemed to be well on the road towards recovery. Stella was also very depressed by the death of Alex. First, it was Molly, then her father, and now this. It seemed that everyone she ever loved and cared for was being taken away from her one by one. Thankfully, her depression wasn't as severe as Isa's or Nell's, and she was able to pull herself back together after a few months.

Still, it was doubtful that she would ever get over what had happened.

Right now, Stella was sitting in a rocking chair on the balcony of her apartment building, overlooking all of Champion City and the citizens milling around in it. A pang of sadness filled her heart when she saw the giant llama statue in the middle of the city. She missed Lluna.

Stella looked up at the sky, and for a few minutes, she pondered as to whether or not Alex was up there right now, watching over her in spirit. The thought was comforting to her, and she smiled softly. "Take care, Alex...," she murmured, "...wherever you are..."

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