Chapter 4: Herobrine

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It was just like the Admin again, with everyone screaming and running for their lives, the moon being affected by some hidden power, and of course, you had a nigh omnipotent being pulling the strings from behind the curtains, two if you counted Notch. In short, everything was absolute chaos and pandemonium. "We have to do something!," yelled Olivia, trying to be heard over the screaming. "What?!," Axel hollered, straining to hear what she was saying. "I SAID WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!," Olivia screamed even louder. "Olivia's right!," yelled Lukas. "If we don't stop this, someone's going to get seriously hurt in all of this chaos!" "Hold on, everyone!," I yelled. "I got this!" Once again, I squeezed my eyes shut in concentration. Gradually, the people around us began to slow down, their screams turning into soft whimpers, until everyone was now standing in place, still looking incredibly scared but now much calmer than before.

"Whoa!," cried Jesse, staring around with wide eyes. "Alex, what did you just do?" "I used telepathy to calm everyone down," I explained, my head now feeling foggy. "Hold on, that took a lot out of me. I'm a little dizzy right now." I shook my head vigorously to get my jumbled thoughts back together. "Okay, I think I'm all better now." Notch clapped slowly, still with that infuriating smile on his face. "Well done, Alex," he praised in a somewhat genuine tone. "Well done." I glared at him, not wanting to receive any praise from the likes of him. "You just won't leave us alone, will you?," I growled. "You didn't even have to make that bet with Herobrine! Wasn't our big fight with Romeo enough entertainment for you?" Notch chuckled and shook his head as if he was dealing with an ignorant child. "Oh, Alex," he said in a condescending tone. "You seem to have forgotten how long us Ancients can live for. Admins are also known for their long lifespans, but even they'll die eventually, give or take a few thousand years. We, on the other hand, will never die. Death will always be a complete stranger. Tell me, Alex, what would YOU do if you were in our shoes, hm? Wouldn't YOU end up doing the same things as us? Wouldn't YOU do anything for entertainment, lest you be driven insane by the knowledge of a long, endless road ahead of you, never being able to reach your destination?"

I had no idea what Notch was talking about, and frankly, I couldn't care less. "I'd never end up like you," I said firmly. "Not if it means trading away my soul and humanity." Notch leaned towards me with narrowed eyes, the smile still plastered onto his face. "Spend a few billion years with nothing else to do, THEN you can talk." Suddenly, Isa shot forwards like a rocket and pulled me away while shoving Notch with the palm of her hand. Notch staggered back, but was otherwise unharmed. "Get away from my daughter," Isa snarled, glaring at him. Jesse, Petra, Isaac, Lukas, Olivia, Axel, and Harper also glared at him angrily. At that point, they didn't really comprehend Notch's true depravity, but at least they now knew he couldn't be trusted.

Instead of getting angry, Notch just steadied himself and chuckled. "You mortals and your pesky little emotions," he chuckled. Suddenly, lightning crackled across the sky, bathing everything in an eerie blue light. Everyone screamed and ducked down, but thanks to my powers calming them down significantly, they didn't run around and panic like before. The bolts of lightning quickly coalesced into a blue ball of pure energy hovering above the city, about the same size as a small house. The ball of energy slowly shrunk and condense before our very eyes, forming into the shape of a human. Then, the light emanating from it suddenly brightened up several times over, nearly blinding everyone in the vicinity. When the light cleared and everyone got their vision back, we saw that the strange energy ball had been replaced by a normal looking man floating in the air. He had brown skin, dark brown hair, a light blue shirt, dark blue pants, and gray shoes. At first glance, he looked just like your everyday person that you'd walk past every day on the street. However, I knew better. It was the same man that I saw in my dreams AND my earlier visions. It was Herobrine, the only other being in existence who was just as old, just as powerful, and just as dangerous as the Old Man of the Sky.

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