Chapter 12: Dystopia

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Otto had no idea that they were going to go that far, and now he was paying the price for his ignorance. He was lying on the floor, a bloody gash on his forehead, having been brutally beaten by Hadrian and Mevia, who were towering over him with nasty smiles on their faces. Hadrian reared back his leg and kicked Otto in the gut, causing him to start coughing out blood as well as some teeth in the process. "Now, I'm going to ask you one more time, Otto," said Hadrian, crossing his arms behind his back like he usually did. "Where did you hide the Atlas?" Otto coughed some more, then glared up at Hadrian. "You don't know what you're doing," he admonished him. Mevia raised her leg and stomped on Otto's arm, causing the Old Builder to cry out in pain while clutching his now injured arm. "You're in no position to look down on us," she sneered. "In case you can't tell right now, WE have the upper hand. So you'd better tell us where you hid the Atlas before me and Hadrian have to beat you up even more."

How could things have possibly ended up like this? Well, it all started when all of the Old Builders: Hadrian, Mevia, Otto, Harper, and Cassie Rose decided to host the first Games. At first, it was only meant to be simple fun and games, a way for everyone to escape the horrible reality of the world and just immerse themselves in having fun. However, Hadrian and Mevia became greedy and corrupted. They saw the overpopulation issue as a way for them to assert their power and dominance. Since everyone in the world could rarely afford enough to sustain themselves and their families, Hadrian and Mevia began offering prizes to anyone who would beat the games. Sometimes, it was a cash prize of numerous diamonds, gold ingots, emeralds, and various other priceless items. Other times, it was a prize of bread loaves, melons, fresh fish, pumpkins, wheat, and other mouth watering foods, enough to sustain an entire family for many months. The point is, the Games were no longer the same friendly competitions as before. Now, they were gladiator matches and death rounds. Every competitor was desperate to get whatever prize was at the end, and they were willing to kill and betray each other in order to do so.

Unlike in the main timeline, where Hadrian and Mevia had to trap the competitors to gain more power, in this alternate timeline, they didn't have to even lift a finger. The prize offers that they began implementing in the Games were more than enough to get everyone to stay. In fact, there were plenty of competitors who lost the Games over and over again, and were willing to stay and keep trying to win that grand prize, and those people ended up staying for so long that they no longer remember what their own parents, siblings, and children even looked like. No matter how much Otto tried to convince Hadrian and Mevia to stop their corrupt ways, the two of them simply laughed off his concerns and ignored him. Finally, Harper couldn't take it anymore and ran away with the Redstone Heart, vowing to never return. Right after that, Cassie tried to stage her own miniature uprising, which only ended in failure. As punishment for defying them, Hadrian and Mevia banished Cassie to a world with two moons, without an enchanted flint and steel to help her escape, and effectively cut her off from any human contact. And as a result, Cassie would be driven mad from the isolation and turn to more drastic measures...

But even with all the power that the two of them had accumulated, it still wasn't enough for them. Hadrian and Mevia still wanted more power. They were sick and tired of ruling over, in their eyes, a silly string of competitions. They wanted something bigger. They wanted to become the rulers of the world. But to do that, they knew that they had to be very careful. After all, it was doubtful that Otto and Harper would just stand by and let them do whatever they wanted. So the two of them waited. They waited for that perfect moment, that one pawn that would soon come into their clutches, that one piece that they needed to set their plan into motion.

And eventually, that moment, or pawn, or piece, had finally arrived in the form of an abused and disgruntled teenage boy, Thomas. This version of him started his life off the same as his original counterpart. He was born to two god awful parents, one of them having been driven to insanity by peering into the eyes of an eldritch abomination, and the other having been turned into a perverted slut who walked around naked and raped her son on a daily basis. But in this alternate timeline, instead of eventually leaving his family, meeting Annie and Alex, and abusing the hell out of them, he decided to stay with his parents since there was no way for him to support himself in the outside world due to how many jobs had already been taken and how little food there was to go around. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and decided to take matters into his own hands. Killing his mother was the easy part. She was so immersed in their daily sex that she didn't even react when Thomas wrapped his hands around her throat and began to squeeze. She thought that it was just another kink that Thomas had decided to bring to the bedroom, and as a result, she didn't even call out for help until it was too late. To be honest, Thomas cummed a lot harder when strangling his mother than he ever did when having sex with her. Then, he chopped her body into multiple pieces, put them into a trash bag, and tossed her entire body into a nearby lake. The broken boy smiled and giggled the whole time.

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