14, reality

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to be honest, this chapter i forgot to upload so ... enjoy plz.

"[Y/N], get up, right now." someone says into your ear, making you jolt up. "what the hell?!" you immdiately say due to reflexes. looking up at the person, you realised it was your brother.

"mum kinda forgot about you so you've been like sleeping for... about... all day. it's 4pm right now."

"WHAT," you scream, rushing out of your bed and you grabbed the phone on the table in front of your bed. and your brother, jacob was of course right. "you're lucky mum took pity on you. also someone is at the door asking for you so hurry up." 

getting back on the bed, you sit there processing your dream, it felt so realistic as well? 'oh right... there's someone at the door. maybe it's evelyn? '

As soon as you changed out of your night wear, you opened the door. "sorry i took so long, you didn't need to wait out here, eve..." you stopped, your eyes met with conan's.

"woah there, you okay?" he asks as he examines you and your shocked expression.

"oh...! yes, i'm fine," – you rub your eyes in the middle of your sentence. – "come in," you smiled. wait... so... that dream wasn't true? It felt so real.

conan walked in and immediately sat on your couch, "what's the deal? you look like you haven't slept well," he laughed.

you started to walk towards him, "haha, very funny." you spoke, crossing your arms, walking towards the couch and sitting right next to conan.

"did you have a bad dream or something ...?" he asked with sparks of curiosity - then he turned towards the tv and turned it on.

"yeah, i mean it was so realistic and it felt like i couldn't do anything," you said, resting your head on conan's, he noticed this and in return he pushed you off playfully.

"OW, hey! what was that for!" you angrily muttered, rubbing your head. then he proceeded to place your head back on his shoulder, you looked up to him... seeing his flushed face made the same effect on you.

the two of you turned to the tv, suddenly a commercial played. 'want to get in a relationship? is love hard for you? so come on and download the love coach ap-'

you turned to face conan, his face a visible flushed mess. you decided it was a good idea to tease him.

"i wouldn't be surprised if you actually downloaded that app, you do need some tips," you smirked leaning into his shoulder, which he pulled back.

"hey! i could say the same for you!" he playfully snapped back.

then... silence...

he looked at you, then down... he leveled himself to you. leaning in, you closed your eyes.

you were met with nothing, you opened one of your eyes to see conan grinning like a madman. did you really just embarrass yourself? in front of... CONAN?

"you seem really eager to kiss me," now he was the one smirking. 

"ok... you caught me," you said putting the hands up. closing your eyes, while keeping your hands up, you felt something soft, something heavy on your lips.

the kiss was quick but at the same time, it felt like time paused. you quickly widened your eyes, did... conan just kiss you?

"i guess i should go now, see you [Y/N]!" he winked, his confidence rocketed as he saw your very visible blush on your face. as the door shut, your brother walked in. wow, great timing.

"huh? where did conan go? didn't he just arrive-" your brother looked at your flustered state, he tilted his head at you, - "why do you look like that?" he questioned as you waved it off and went straight upstairs to your room. you pondered, did conan ever have a flirty side... like that.

you covered your face with a pillow, thinking back about the kiss. did he know that was your first ever kiss? was it the same for him? is he thinking about you like you are right now? you had so many thoughts but there was no way to describe them properly. do you actually like cona- suddenly, your phone rang, ruining your train of thoughts.


oh, it was just evelyn.



"why weren't you at school? conan seemed really worried for you..."

"um well, apparently i slept in and mum was too lazy to wake me up."

"really? well... you're lucky. my mum would've beat me up... heh..."

"oh my god, i forgot to fill you in."


"so um, after school conan went to my house... and i thought he was gonna kiss me so i leaned in and he wasn't even trying to kiss me! it was so embarrassing but..."

"don't stop! keep going, hurry up!"

"okay... so eventually he actually kissed me," you laughed, smiling at the memory, your heart felt like it was leaping out of your chest. but you were met with silence.

"um? evelyn? are you there?"

"YES. sorry, i think i just freaked out... you guys... kissed... FINALLY. also i have to talk to someone, i'll call back later. and um... lets hope a someone whose name starts with c doesn't call you or anything... HAHAH-"

and then the call ended. you tried to call back but there was no answer. suddenly your phone rang, again! you were reading and you ran to get your phone that was on your table.


To be loved - Conan Gray x OcWhere stories live. Discover now