Chapter two

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Xander: *His mouth opens in shock, They can't be here! We are in the middle of nowhere!*

John: *He groans in more pain as they heard the door jingling, Someone was trying to open it*

Xander: "Whose trying to open the door?"
*He was about to peak his head out but John grabbed his shoulder*

John: "I'll do it Xander"
*He painfully takes out his M17 out of his holster which now had some of his blood on it*

Xander: "No! you can't do it your injur-"

John: "Injured or not newbie I'll do it Just move me so I can see the door!"

Xander: *He nods and carefully drags John and props him up so his whole body was facing the door*

John: "Now take your gun out and hide..."
*He keeps his pistol pointed to the door as the door was starting to get broken open slowly by a battering Ram*

Xander: "Don't do this now John... hide with me please.."

John: "I lived a good life I hope you got a shot at living newbie"
*He smiles as the door burst open and he drew his attention to the door that had two furs attempt to come in from*

Xander: "John wait!"

John: *He would fire his gun at the two furs hitting one in the leg in the process making them retreat back outside*
"You will never take me alive bitches!"

Xander: *He did what John told him and took out his own pistol*

???: "Go die you human!"
*The fur went out of cover and engaged John
Hitting him two more times in the chest*

John: *Blood came out of his mouth and he dropped his gun*

Xander: "John!"
*He broke what John said to do and went to grab him where Xander would have his arm shot and he yelled in pain and fell back*
"A-Agh! My hand! It fucking hurts!"

John: *He sheepishly looked at Xander*
"Don't worry it will all be ov-"
*John would then take a round to the head leaving a fine mist of blood everywhere on the wall*

Xander: "J-John god dammit! Why did you have to play the hero for me!"

???: "I hear you other human!"
*They chuckled having a Russian female accent and started to walk forward*
"I'll do the same thing to you just like what I did to your friend here!"

Xander: "J-John..."
*He quietly mumbled then went out of cover to engage the person with his m1911*
"This is for my friend bastard!"
*He fired all of his rounds at the fur chest but none of the bullets penetrated the armor*
"Well shit.... I'm dead just like John now.."

???: *They laughed and put a round in Xander's shoulder*
"You need to try harder to kill a Russian my friend!"
*Their audible footsteps came closer and closer to Xander who was writhing in pain*

Xander: "I-ill get you for this agh!-"

*Xander leg would be stepped on and he would be be met with a desert eagle to his face*

???: "Any last words you no fur?"

Xander: "......"
*He had fear in his eyes while he was looking down the barrel of the desert eagle*

*Another fur came rushing in*

???: "Squad leader Nika hold your fire!"

Nika: *She turned around*
"What for...."

???: "New order came from base to take a few humans alive"

Nika: "...... Son of a fucking bitch I wanted to kill him!"
*She stomps on Xander's leg making him yell in pain*

Xander: "AGHH! My fucking leg why! I needed that leg!"

Nika: "Shut your fucking mouth no fur before I crush your skull in"

*She holsters her desert eagle and takes out her AKM off her back*

"Now go to sleep your going to need it"

*She raised her rifle up and hit Xander in the face with the butt of the rifle knocking him out*

???: "Now we just got to load him up into the helicopter now"

Nika: "You are carrying him I ain't"

???: "You did the damage not me"

Nika: *She took off her helmet visibly angry*
"Fine for fucks sake! I'll carry him to the helicopter!"

*She picks up the unconscious Xander and puts him over her shoulder and notices johns m17 still in his hand and she picks it up also*

"He won't be needing that anytime soon"

*They leave the bunks while they come outside to the furs setting fire to the remains of the humans that were now in a pile*

???: *They think inside their head while walking with Nika* "These poor humans never stood a chance against us..."

Nika: "Why are you looking so down for Rachel?
Consider this a huge victory for us!"
*She looks at her while continuing to walk to the helicopter*

Rachel: "I'm not Nika..."

Nika: "Good, We are at the helicopter now"

Rachel: "Yea I see that now"

*She gets in the helicopter first to get Xander body off Nika*

Nika: *She gets Xander off her shoulders and helps his unconscious body into the helicopter*

Rachel: *She drags Xander to the make shift stretcher in the back of the helicopter and puts him on and starts to treat his wounds*

Nika: "Don't get too attached to him now, base probably wants to have a look at him before they kill em"

Rachel: "......"

Nika: *She climbs aboard the helicopter and sits down on the chair having johns m17 in her hand*

???: "Ready to take off now"

*The fur pilot says to the two of them as the helicopter started to lift up into the air and started to leave the area*

End of chapter

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