Chapter 8

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At the shooting range

Connor: *Both Connor and Jacob would have their weapons and were firing down range impressing Nika as well*

Nika: "Well I can say for you two you guys know how to work a gun just like Xander"

Jacob: "At least we got trained early! The unlucky ones didn't get barely any training and was taught was to point and shoot and reload"

Nika: "Hmm I see pack up and meet us at the forest course Xander grab your gear minus your guns and meet us at the forest course also quickly "

Xander: "Got it!"

*20 minutes later at the forest course*

*They would find themselves at the forest course which had a bunker on the top of the hill and around it was forest*

Xander: "So what's the deal here?"

Nika: "You three no furs will be a team against us you guys are defending the bunker, last team who doesn't get shot by a paintball wins"

Xander: "Hmmm ok then good luck then.."

Nika: "Yea get your asses up to the bunker!"

Xander: *Xander and the two would start to run to the bunkers*

Rocky: "Hey Xander!"

Xander: *He turns around"
"Yes rocky!?"

Rocky: "Good luck!"

Xander: "Good luck with you too!"
*He turns around and continues running to the bunker which they would find A paintball shotgun A paintball LMG and a paintball Semi auto pistols with 3 pistols and ammo*

Connor: "Let's get our gear ready we don't know when they will be coming up the hill"

Xander: "Yea let's"

*They grab their gear and get ready*

Xander: "Connor your job is to watch the door and make sure nobody gets our ass"

Connor: "Got it"

Xander: "Jacob your with me at the viewing port"

Jacob: "Got it!"

*Meanwhile at the bottom of the hill in a trench*

Nika: "Grab your ammo and get ready."

Rocky: "Yes ma"am.."

Rachel: "Yes Nika..."
*They reload their ammo*

Nika: "Expect them to be guarding the place with their life"
*She smirks as she changed the ammo from paint ball ammo to live ammo*

*Back at the bunker*

Xander: "I think I see some movement!"
*He took aim at the grass that was moving rather awkwardly and fired*

Nika: *The paint ball impacted her butt straight in and she yelps*
"Ow my fucking ass!..."

Xander: "One down two to go!"

Nika: *She retreats back  being eliminated from the match*

Xander: *They would the come under fire from live amp and they all duck down*
"Thats live ammo being fired at us what the hell?!"

Jacob: "How are you going to warn them without getting shot at??"

Xander: "Might need to sacrifice a hand"
*He sticks his hand out which would get shot directly in the palm and he yells out in pain keeping it out for people to see*

*meanwhile Halfway up the hill*

Rocky: "Hold fire Rachel! Were using live ammunition"

*Rocky watches Xander's bleeding hand that was standing out*

Rachel: *She stops firing and looks up at the bunker then back at her gun which she checks her mags and finds the live ammo*
"W-we are using live ammo! who swapped out the ammo then?!"

Rocky: "I'm most likely betting Nika"
*He stands up and begins to run to the bunker with Rachel*
"Are you guys ok?!"

Xander: "I got hit in the hand what do you expect?!"

Rocky: "We are coming up now!"
*They climb inside of the bunker and Rachel walks to Xander and starts to treat his hand*

Connor: "None of you guys are going to mention that you used live rounds??"

Rocky: "Nika most likely changed our rounds and we didn't know Connor..."

Jacob: "She shouldn't go unpunished for this!"

Rachel: "Yea.... We are going to report her to commander Chole after this..."

Rocky: *He helped Jacob and Connor up*
"Now let's get out of the bunker now"

All: "Yea let's go!"

*30 minutes later in commander Choles office*

*30 minutes later in commander Choles office*

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Name: Commander Chole
Age; 40

Chole: "Your telling me she changed your ammunition???"

Xander: "Yep and my hand got to experience the round"
*He lifts his hand up*

Chole: "Wow... I know she hates humans but I didn't know she would go out of her way in doing this... I'll have a word with her.. you guys are dismissed
If she tells you to do anything else reject it, Rocky will be the new squad leader for right now"

Rocky: "Yes ma'am.."

Chole: "Now don't make a repeat of this situation got that?"

Rocky: "I got that commander I will do the best in my ability to help my squad members and not do what Nika did"

Chole: "Thank you rocky.."

End of story

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