Chapter 17

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*They all arrive at the LZ and come under fire from all sides*

Xander: "Cassie we need fire support now! We aren't going it make it much longer!"

Cassie: "One more minute we need to hang on for! You guys got that??"

Nika: "Yea we got it!"

*They were in a ditch surrounded by sandbags with gunfire coming from all around them*

Connor: *He would get hit dead center in the chest when he tried to engage the targets and he collapses back instantly killed by the round*

Jacob: "Nooo! Connor! You bastards took my friend who saved me away!"
*He popped his head out and started to engage with his M249*

Cassie: *Her radio crackled*

Ac130 pilot: "This is Dagwood 23 ac130 is in the area  we're here to engage mark yourselves with strobe"

Cassie: "everyone Mark yourselves with a strobe and get the hell down!"

*The rest mark themselves with the strobes and hit the deck as the Ac130 40 mm cannon starts firing taking out many enemy's and causing a lot of shrapnel to fly up*

Nick: *Shrapnel comes and hits him causing him to yell out in pain and drops his gun*

Ashley: "Nick!"

Nika: "Stay  Ashley! If more shrapnel comes you won't be able to hide from it!"

Ashley: *She couldn't do much as she slowly watch Nick bled to death in-front of her*

Nick: *The life in his eyes slowly started to fade away as the Ac130 bombardment stopped*

Ashley: *She immediately came out of cover to help Nick but when she rolled him over it was already too late*
"NICK! No! You can't leave us like this!!"

Nika: *She grabbed Ashley's shoulder and got a punch in the face by Ashley*

Ashley: "Fuck off  Nika! We lost two people!"

Cassie: *She lifts her head up and talks into the radio*
"Ac130 crew... I hope your happy that one of our men is dead thanks to you firing too close"

Ac130 pilot: "...... Dagwood returning to base.."

Cassie: "Hope you guys sleep tight tonight.."
*She turns off the radio and walks to connors deceased body and kneels down and takes his dog tags*
"Rest in pieces Connor... your stress is over.."

Ashley: *She did the same thing to Nick and started crying hugging his body tightly while Nika looked away from Katherine*

Katherine: *She stared back at Nika having a smirk under the gag*

Nika: "Our main objective is to keep the rebel leader alive right?"

Cassie: "Yep..."
*They heard friendly helicopters coming in to land*
"Grab their bodies we are bringing them with us back to base"

Ashley: *She grabbed Nick and started to drag him out of the ditch looking at the Horrors of what the Ac130 did to the rebels*
"My god.... They didn't just eliminate them... they butchered them!"

Nika: *She grabs Katherine roughly and starts to get out of the ditch  aswell and walked to the helicopter dragging Katherine body on the ground making her gag tear up*

Xander: *With him and Jacob they lifted up connors  body and slowly carried him out of the Ditch and to the helicopter*

Cassie: *She sheds a tear and takes up connors shotgun which had his bloodstains on it and she used the torn sling in the shotgun and put it on her back and she walked to the helicopter looking at the mess*
"God help those men..."
*She walked to the helicopter and got in and sat down next to Ashley*
"Russia was a complete bitch to us.... It's sad to see how little time we have with friends before they leave.."

*The helicopter started to take off and fly low on the river  to avoid the Sam missile launchers in the mountains*

Ashley: "Your right... If their was a way to change this outcome completely.. maybe this would have been way different.."

Cassie: *She sighs and wipes her tears off*
"Thats one human lost... and one squad member lost also.."

Ashley: *She looks at Cassie and then at Xander and Jacob*
"Your species is slowly coming to an end soon.."

Cassie: "It's not coming to an end soon Ashley we still got a female with us"

Ashley: "No way are you going to do it with them?!"

Cassie: "Well it will be my duty to help the human race again"

Ashley: "No way seriously?"

Cassie: "Yes seriously"

Ashley: "Stop that!"
*She playfully punches cassies shoulder*

Cassie: *She laughs also with all of the squad watching them*

Xander: "I wonder if we get to have sex with her whose going first?"
*He whispers to Jacob"

Jacob: "You're  going first my dude"
*He whispers back*

Xander: "Well thanks for the honors Jacob"

Jacob: "Anything to help a brother out"
*They both fist bump and look out the window of the rising sun*

End of chapter

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