Y/n vs Nessa

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After they both battle Milo(I won't include Marnie's gym battles) they head over to Hulbery city and it seems like they are the first ones there. Y/n enters the battlefield with Nessa coming from opposite sides as the battle begins.
Y/n:Haunter I choose you!
Nessa:Goldeen I choose you!
They both send out their first pokemon as the battle begins.
Nessa:Use Peck!
Y/n:Use Hypnosis!
Golden rushes towards Haunter as it uses a Peck. The ghost seems almost unhurt as Haunter sends four yellow orbs and Goldeen falls asleep.
Y/n:Now use Hex!
Haunter summons small spectral flames around Goldeen which are powered up because it is asleep. The attack does a lot of damage onto Goldeen as it remains asleep.
Nessa:Wake up goldeen!
Goldeen doesn't respond.
Y/n:Use Hex!
With a final attack Haunter takes out Goldeen. Nessa returns Goldeen and prepares to send out her next pokemon.
Nessa:Arrokuda let's go!
She sends out her Arrokuda.
Nessa:Use bite!
Y/n:Use Hypnosis!
Arrokuda rushes at high speeds and clamps his teeth into Haunter as the momentum from her speed causes her to deal big damage onto Haunter. Haunter is able to use Hypnosis and puts Arrokuda to sleep.
Nessa:Is Hypnosis and Hex the only attack you now how to use?
Y/n:Use dream eater!
Haunter hovers over Arrokuda and places his hand into the fish's head as he drags out a puff of fog which looks like a dream as the ghost type Swallows the dream and not only damages Arrokuda but also regain health from the move.
Nessa:Arrokuda wake up!
Unlike her fallen comrade, Arrokuda wakes up upon asking.
Nessa:Use another bite!
With Haunter still close Arrokuda clamps her teeth into Haunter.
Y/n:Use Payback!
Glowing black Haunter tosses Arrokuda away and punches her sending towards Nessa unconscious. The gym leader returns her fish and gets her final pokemon.
Nessa:Drednaw I choose you!
She sends out the water rock type who is immediately returned to his pokeball and the ball enlarges and sends out a dynamax Drednaw.Y/n does the same for Haunter as it is now a dynamax battle.
Nessa:Use max geyser!
Y/n:Use max guard!
As Drednaw sends a large amount of water towards Haunter the ghost type summons a giant shield which blocks the attack with joy rain able to come up.
Nessa:Use max darkness!
Y/n:Use max phantasm!
Drednaw sends two snake like pulses of darkness which connects with Haunter as the ghost type summons random objects towards Drednaw and is hit by the attack. Haunter gets his special defense dropped while Drednaw gets his physical defence dropped.
Nessa:Use max darkness once again
Y/n:Don't think so. Use max guard!
Unfortunately for nessa like the first turn Haunter blocks the max move as both pokemon return to normal size.
Y/n:Use Payback!
Nessa:Use bite!
Haunter doesn't move as Drednaw rushes towards him and clamps his teeth into Haunter as the ghost type glows Black once again and punches Drednaw away but Drednaw withstands the attack.
Nessa:Use water gun!
Drednaw sends a shot of water towards Haunter who is hit pretty badly.
Y/n:Use Hypnosis!
Ness:Use water gun!
A final water gun cuts the Hypnosis and forced Haunter to faint. Y/n returned his Haunter and after thanking Haunter for his hard work. He sends out his Ace Toxel.
Nessa:We'll finish this in one attack Use Razor shell.
Y/n:Use metal sound!
As Drednaw rushes towards Toxel he Use sound which harshly lowered Drednaw's attack as the turtle's head crest glows blue before slashing at Toxel. Toxel begins to cry as it struggles to get back up. Y/n starts to worry as he doesn't his partner to be hurt badly but he realised that Toxel isn't crying because it is hurt too much  because it learnt a new move. Tearful look which lowers Drednaw special and physical attacks.
Y/n:Use metal sound again!
Nessa:Use water gun!
As toxel sends another high frequency attack Drednaw uses water gun which is significantly weaker than the one that hit Haunter.
Y/n:Use nuzzle!
Nessa:Use bite.
Drednaw is too slow to avoid an attack and Toxel uses nuzzle which takes out Drednaw. As Nessa returns her pokemon and walks up yo Y/n to hand him his badge, Toxel begins to glow bright.

Y/n:You evolved! I am so happy!
The two of them hug each other as Nessa hands him the water badge.

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