Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: At this point it's been a few weeks since Amar's death.

"Will all Dauntless initiates please report to the pit to collect their initiation results. Again, all Dauntless initiates, please come and collect your results."

My eyes shot open and suddenly I'm awake. Gulping, I slow down my heart-rate. The dream I had just woke up from was intense. Amars death was taking its toll on me.

I see Four standing at the bottom of my bunk, already clothed and ready to go.

"C'mon Six, today's the day! Don't you want to get there before the others?" He cheers but sighs at the end. Looks like I'm not the only one.

"Of course I do. Let me just get ready and we will go." I reply, getting up, grabbing my clothes and heading over to the restroom.

"We haven't got all day Six! You better be fast!" He shouted.

"Oh trust me, I don't care enough about my appearance to take all day long!" I exclaim back to him.


Slowly jogging over to the crowd of initiates alongside Four, I see Max and the rest of Dauntless leadership standing with envelopes in their hands, giving the results to all the initiates.

When it's my turn he hands me the envelope and gives me a smug smile. It's as if he never expected me to succeed, even with barely knowing me.

My hand's fumble trying to open the envelope when finally I open it to see a little tab with my name on it. I pause and let Four open his first.

Four - 1st ranking

Four looks stunned but he doesn't look surprised either. I gulp. There's no way I ranked up there with him. What if I failed?

He sees how anxious I've become and shifts my hand a little, just enough to reveal my results.

Six - 2nd ranking

I'm frozen. The emotions that overwhelm everyone else seem to be non-existent in me. I force a smile to cover up the numbness I'm feeling.

"I can't believe we made it." Four softly says. He's probably still in a state of disbelief and to be honest I am too.

"Me neither." I reply quietly. He manages to see that I'm unphased unlike him and he gives me a look of sympathy.

His empathetic looks anger me and I walk away leaving the Dauntless compound and waiting for the train to arrive.


My breathing is heavy from the sprint and jumping I did to catch the train. I run my fingers through my blond hair and attempt to make my breathing more normal.

"Something told me I'd find you here." A voice says. I turn around to find Jack sat on the floor of the train cart. He sits running his fingers through his hair and chewing on his lip slightly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. I think I know what he's insinuating but I want to hear it from him.

"You're doing the same thing I did. Hiding from the fact your a member of Dauntless." I roll my eyes and he grins at me. Gosh, this man can figure me out just like that.

"So what were your results?" He asks. I sigh.

"If you must know I ranked second. Four ranked first of course." I state. It was no surprise that Four landed 1st in the rankings. I think our whole initiation class knew that.

Jack nods. I sit down next to him and bring my knees to my chest. I turn my head and gaze at him.

"Where are you going, Six?" He asks softly. I snap out of my gaze quick.

"Oh, I don't uh really know. Just walking around the city I guess." I stutter, barely managing to complete my sentences.

He chuckles. "Walking around the city huh? You know you are an amazing liar." 

I punch him playfully in his side and we both laugh. 

The train slows down and eventually we arrive at the city central station. This is one of the only stations I remember vividly. This is where my Dauntless initiation first began. I can't decide whether to cherish the memory or set it aside and forget about it. It gives me mixed feelings when I think about it. 

Springing onto my feet, I run and jump off the train as it proceeds to move on. Jack does the same thing and somehow manages to land on his feet. I'd like to say I'm stunned but he's practically done this a million times by now. 

"Get on my shoulders, Six." Jack demands. Instantly my eyes open wide.

"Excuse me?" I ask my cheeks turning blazing red. Is he being serious?

"Oh please, I'm just going to take you down from the platform." He informs me rubbing his shoulder. For once he seems shy. I've never known him as the shy type.

I get up onto his shoulders and he starts to climb down the yellow rusty pillars that are holding up the train tracks. It feels foreign not to be climbing down all by myself. 

It's not too long before we reach the ground again. "Time for you to get down." He playfully declares and grabs me by the waist and helps me onto the ground. A few seconds pass of us staring at one another before I speak up.

"You really didn't have to do that. I am more than cap-" He cuts me off.

"Look over there." He whispers and turns his head to the right. Furrowing my eyebrows I do ask he says and look in the same direction as him.

Near one of the many broken-down buildings, Jeanine appears. She appears to be teaching a group of Erudite initiates. At this point, I'm numb and Jack realises it.

"Here you will see the train track platform. As we Erudite's don't climb, we will take the stairs shortly. In the meantime, does anyone know who operates the trains?" She questions the initiates and they scramble through their notebooks in an attempt to find the answer.

Suddenly she turns to face the direction that I'm facing and stares at me. Her piercing grey eyes haunt me. She walks closer towards us and the initiates slowly but surely follow behind her.

"If that isn't Jackson Smith. I still remembered the day you transferred. I must tell you, your transfer appeared to be quite a shock to the faction." She smiles. My mother always remembers names. I chew my lip as they shake hands. I stand there still and quiet.

"I don't think it was. I chose and I chose Dauntless." He replies bluntly. He clearly doesn't stand for my mother's sweetness.

"Hm. Well, I'm glad to know you were smart enough to know your own mind and what faction you truly belonged to. Have a nice day you two." She nods her head and walks ahead with her group of initiates. I can't believe she ignored me but at the same time, I'm glad she didn't make an awful mess.

"That was odd. She just blanked you." Jack points out.

"You know what? I think this was a mistake. Let's go back to Dauntless." I suggest. I need to get away from here and fast.

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