Chapter Eighteen

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Song for this chapter ~ this feeling by Oneheart

Gradually, I carefully apply the eyeliner that I'm holding in my hands under my eyes. My eyes begin to water slowly. 

I don't usually get too sophisticated with my make-up, but, all things considered, I might as well make myself make somewhat presentable for this date Jack and I are going on. Not that I think he would care too much. I put away all of my make up back into its bag and leave it by the sink before going to find some suitable clothes. 

Dauntless don't really have many options when it comes to clothing. It is mostly breathable fabrics, or our combat jackets and pants. However, I find myself a pair of black leggings and black turtle neck sweater to wear. I also find myself my heeled boots that I have hardely worn since I purchased them.

Whilst getting changed my mind ponders to my meeting with Lauren the other day. I still feel a great sense of betrayl from her. But it also makes me wonder, what does Lauren think she has to gain from working alongside my mother? 

As I finished getting ready, I feel myself beginning to feel nervous. Jack and I have never considered anything as an official date and I'm worried he might realise that our relationship isn't something he wants to be apart of after all. I'm unsure whether I'm doubting him or whether I am actually doubting my own self-worth.

There's a heavy knock on my door and I whisk over to answer it. I take a slow and deep breath before opening it.

"Woah, hi." Jack says eyeing my up and down. I smile knowing he's not quite sure what to say.

"Hi." I reply softly. Jack shakes his head to stop himself from staring and I chuckle.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks. I nod.

I grab my shoulder bag from my couch and step outside my front door, locking my apartment. Jack and I make our way out of my apartment building and head down to the train station. 

Luckily as we arrive sprinting, a train pulls up and we catch it and make our way to the desitination for the evening.


Jack puts his hand out and I take it as he lifts me carefully out of the train car. We arrive at the abandoned fairground. It may not seem like the most romantic place ever, but it's a place we both know we will get some privacy outside of our apartments.

We walk beside one another, still holding hands, and venture over to the ferris wheel. Why are we going to the ferris wheel?

Once we arrive, Jack looks at me and I look back at him. I'm still confused on why he brought me to the ferris wheel of all places. 

"Why are we at the ferris wheel?" I ask out of curiosity. He smiles at me.

"Well, you keep telling me how back at Erudite you liked to admire the stars for hours on end, so, I thought we could climb the ferris wheel to gaze at them." He explains. It all makes sense now. Pulling out a smile, he makes his way towards the steps of the ferris wheel and I follow.

He puts his foot onto to supports of the ferris wheel in front of him and begins to climb up it. I gulp slightly as my mind naturally comes up with every bad outcome of this possible. I shake the thoughts off and nervously begin to follow him. 

We both take care whilst climbing until we are extremely close to the top of the ferris wheel. He stops beside me I stop too. 

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