FIVE. orientation day

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Today was it. The first day with the newest members of Lost & Found Music Studio. Tara could already feel the bond being created between the old and the new as they chatted with each other, waiting for Mr. T's announcement. She had a feeling it would be about the veterans and the newbies.

"All right, everybody, listen up," Mr. T spoke, standing in the middle of the Rose Room while the musicians gathered around him. "So Parker, back in her day, started this really great idea where the veterans would partner up with the newbies to give you a little bit of an orientation to this place. So hopefully by the end of the day, you'll learn something. All right, go for it."

Partnering up with a veteran would not only give Stella some guidance around Lost & Found, but she could also make a really good impression. The trick was to choose a good partner. She looked around the room, catching her stepsister talking to Luke. She could've done something easy and asked Tara to show her around, but Stella didn't want to be known as Tara's stepsister. So she kept looking around the room, finding a brunette girl in a pink shirt standing alone. She seemed like a confident person from her mannerism and how she was standing. Stella began approaching her but so did someone else, Annabelle.

The brunette in the pink shirt glanced between the two newbies. "I'm flattered but I'm gonna have to partner up with Annabelle. Sorry."

"No, it's okay," Stella assured her. She stepped away from the pair, disappointed that she hadn't gotten a partner yet. However, that issue faded when Luke approached her with a smile, causing Stella to shake her head. "No, no, no, nope."

"I haven't even said anything," Luke defended with a chuckle.

"Exactly. Where's my sister?"

"She's partnered up with a girl named Maggie. They just left, so I guess today's your lucky day."

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Stella mused. Luke shrugged with an amused smile while she sighed. "Fine. Wanna be my partner?"

"Thought you'd never ask, Stel," Luke said with a grin, pulling Stella into a tight side hug. The girl smiled faintly as she and Luke headed out, not noticing someone's burning eyes on them.

. . .

Stella's tour with Luke started great as the two explored Lost & Found while bouncing off each other about music. Stella didn't know Luke that well since she only knew him as Tara's friend, but she was learning that he wasn't so bad. The two were getting along well, but they made a pit spot during their tour at the café Java Junction because of something... Well, someone.

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