ONE. broken by you

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The Rose Room of Lost & Found Music Studios was packed with people as they enjoyed the performance given by the band onstage who was playing Lost & Found's anthem, Lost and Found. In the crowd, cheering on the band by her spot behind the piano was a Lost & Founder, Tarana who was shortly joined by Riley, Michelle, and Giselle, three other girls from The Next Step Dance Studio who she befriended. The boys onstage were Tara's best friends and their number one go-to hype-woman. The band consisted of lead singer and guitarist Luke, backup singer and rhythm guitarist John, backup singer and bassist Theo, and drummer James who was also a dancer at The Next Step.

Tara had been best friends with Luke and John way before Lost & Found, around the time when they were seven. The three all met at a piano lesson held by a lady in the neighborhood and since then, they had been attached to the hip. When the trio joined Lost & Found and Luke and John formed a band with Theo and James, it took Tara a while to get comfortable around Theo and James. After all, Luke and John were her only friends. However, she soon grew close to James and Theo and was now grateful for the friendships she had formed.

Lost & Found was truly the place to be. Tara loved every second of being at the music studio and she wouldn't trade it for anything. From all the friends she'd made, to all the music she'd created, to all the amazing musicians she'd met, Lost & Found never failed to disappoint. With the auditions coming soon in the near weeks, she couldn't wait to see more unique musicians filling up the vibrant studio.

The boys' band soon finished their song and it wasn't long before the crowd disappeared, leaving behind Lost & Founders to pack up the equipment and instruments. Packing up instruments and pieces of equipment wouldn't sound like a fun activity for a regular teenage girl, but Tara was kept amused along the way as she packed some equipment with Luke.

"Okay, okay, next one," Luke said and Tara nodded for him to continue as she dropped another chord in the box. While the two were packing up, Luke suggested a little game to help them get through the tedious activity and Tara obliged. The game was like a song association game, but instead of singing the words, they could only hum the tune. As Luke hummed the song, Tara listened inventively to the familiar tune. "Any guesses?"

"Really, Luke?" Tara questioned with a frown while Luke smiled innocently. "Justin Bieber's Love Yourself?"

"What? You love Justin Bieber," Luke pointed out with a light chuckle. "You forced me and John to go to one of his concerts with you."

"That was ten-year-old Tara who made some pretty bad fashion choices. Seventeen-year-old Tara is more sophisticated."

"You were drinking from a juice box this morning."

𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 (𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 & 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now