TWO. tara & the himbos

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At Lost & Found, it was tradition for songwriters to submit their songs to be chosen for audition songs. Those who wished for their song to be chosen had to perform it for Mr. T and the Lost & Founders, and Mr. T would make his decision at the end. Only two songs would be chosen from the lot. A few people had performed their songs and the last person to perform was Leia. Tara sat next to Rachel as she and everyone else watched Leia's performance.

Tara was no Einstein, but she knew who Leia's song was about - Luke. Despite that, Tara still enjoyed the song. Leia was an amazing songwriter and performer, she would admit, but sometimes the girl let it get to her head. When Leia finished, applauds were heard for her. She stepped offstage and went back to her seat on Rachel's other side, while Mr. T stood before everyone.

"Tha was so great," Rachel said to Leia.

"Thank you," Leia responded.

"Mr. T is definitely gonna pick your song."

"Oh, I know that."

And there was the reason why Tara usually never told Leia how great of a songwriter she was. Yes, she was a great songwriter, but boy did she not know the difference between being confident and being egotistical.

"All right. Nice job, Leia," Mr. T began, nodding to Leia. "So I've made my decision. First song: Original by John. Congratulations, once again." Tara applauded along with everyone, happy that John's song got chosen because it was a great song. "And the second song I've chosen is... Now is our Time by Rachel. Nice job." Another round of applauds was heard for Rachel. Tara gave the girl a nudge of encouragement, while Rachel's bafflement slowly transformed into joy. "Thanks for everybody's submissions."

. . .

"I can't believe you guys are playing your first gig," Tara said to John. The two sat at a table in Java Junction, both working on their Math homework since they went to the same school. John and his band were playing an open mic this afternoon and Tara couldn't be happier for them.

"Neither can I. It still kind of feels like a dream," John admitted.

"Well, it isn't, John. Soon you guys will be touring the world, breaking records, and running away from crazy fans. You better not forget me."

"Ah, man. That was the plan."

Tara threw him a fake glare and lightly nudge his shin with her leg, while John let out an amused chuckle. The duo wasn't alone for long because Leia had approached them with two juices in her hands.

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