EIGHT. thunder keeps roaming

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The sun's rays warmed Tara's face as she leaned against the Mutt-Cracker's hood with Luke. After a terrible week being stuck at home with the flu, she was happy to be back with one of her best friends at one of her favorite places. And one thing she most certainly missed was her on-and-off bickering with Luke.

"How can you say strawberry-flavored ice cream is superior?" Luke inquired in disgust. "It's bottom line the worst flavor invented."

"If you're gonna talk about worst flavors then blueberry is your go-to," Tara pointed out, earning an offended look from Luke.

"We'll discuss that later. Tar, strawberry ice cream is like the first slice of bread in a loaf. Nobody likes the crust."

"I like the crust."

"You're ruining my point."

"No, I'm not because your point is dumb. Strawberry ice cream is top-tier. Then it's chocolate, and then it's vanilla."

"Strawberry is at the bottom of those three. Chocolate is top tier and you know this. It's buried deep inside you."

Tara shot the boy a look of disbelief. "Lucas, we've been having this argument since we were seven and it's gone nowhere."

"And you've been calling me Lucas since we were seven, even though that's not my name," Luke voiced. "When are you going to give up?"

"I don't know. When are you going to give up your strawberry vendetta?"

"Touché," Luke said. He and Tara shared teasing smiles before they were joined by the third member of their tight-knit group, John. "Oh, great, you're here. We can finally start leaving."

"Yeah, I got the address from Mr. T," John informed him.

"Wait, hold up," Tara spoke up, confusion in her tone. "What's happening?"

"Oh, you and I are helping Luke run an errand for Mr. T."

"Well, it's bold of you both to assume that I have no plans whatsoever in my life."

John and Luke shared a look, the latter asking, "You don't have any plans, do you?"

Tara pursed her lips before sighing. "No."

"Great!" Luke cheered, ignoring the glare he got from Tara. He made his way over to the back of the van, leaving Tara and John by the front.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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