Uncontrollable elements

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I wake up in the middle of the night to my fingers tingling. I grab my wand.

"Lumos." I say and point my wand at my fingers and after seeing the tips of my fingers a different color (Thumb- red, pointer finger- blue, middle finger- green, ring finger- yellow, pinky finger- silvery-white. The same on my other hand) I accidently let out a scream waking the other girls in my dorm (Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, and the Patil twins).

"Lyra? What's wrong?" Hermione asks.

"My hands!" I exclaim. I'm crying by now.

"Come on lets go to the common room where there is more light." Lavender says.

We go to the common room and stand in front of the fire.

"Let me see your hands Lyra." Hermione says.

I show her my hands then yell again as the colors get brighter and my fingers tingle to point it almost hurts.

"Lyra calm down you're going to make a Professor come in." the Patil twins says.

"Or wake the boys up." Lavender says.

"She already did that." Hermione says looking toward the staircase.

I look at the staircase and see Seamus, Fred, and George. All looking worried. My fingers start to hurt so much especially my thumbs which feel like they are on fire. I collapse because of the pain.

"Lyra!" everyone yells.

Everything goes black.

All I see is bright light. Then I see my aunt on my fathers side come up to me.

"Lyra. How long it's been. I have to tell you something before you wake up." she says.

"What?" I ask.

"I know why your fingers were glowing and tingling. Do you know about the 4 magical elements?"

"Yes. Fire, water, earth, and air."

"Well there is also another. Spirit. The colors your fingers were glowing are the colors of the elements. You have to go soon so if you have any more questions just ask your father ok Lyra?" she says.

"Ok. Bye." I say then everything fades and goes back to black.

"Will she be ok Madam Pomfrey?" I hear Hermione ask.

"She will be fine. Stay with her while I go get her father." Madam Pomfrey says and I hear her walk out.

"What exactly happened to her?" Seamus asks.

"She screamed because of her hands so we took her down to the common room so we could get a better look at it then she passed out as her fingers started to glow really brightly." Lavender says.


I can't sleep. It's like the middle of the night. I hear a scream. A few minutes later I hear a yell. I get up to check. Apparently Fred and George heard it too. We see Lyra standing by the fire with the other girls in her dorm. She's crying. She looks at her hands and I see every finger glowing with a different color (Thumb- red, pointer finger- blue, middle finger- green, ring finger- yellow, pinky finger- silvery-white. The same on her other hand). They start to glow really brightly then Lyra collapses.

"LYRA!" we all exclaim.

We all take her to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey says she will be ok.

"What exactly happened to her?" I ask.

"She screamed because of her hands so we took her down to the common room so we could get a better look at it then she passed out as her fingers started to glow really brightly." Lavender says.

Madam Pomfrey comes back in with Professor Snape. I almost forgot he's her father.

"So what exactly happened?" Snape asks.

Hermione, Lavender, and the Patil twins explain it again.

He sighs, "I had a feeling they would kick in soon. The reason her fingers were glowing is because she has the power to control all of the elements including Spirit."

Lyra wakes up a little bit later.

"What happened?" she asks.

"Lyra you passed out because of the elements." Snape says.

"Is that why my fingers were glowing?" she asks.

"Yes. You have the power to control them all, including Spirit. You do need to learn how to control all of them at once though." Snape says.

"Father I'm scared! What if I can't control it?" she asks.

"You'll be able to. All you need to do is concentrate. Don't worry." Snape says.

"Will I have to stay here for the rest of the night?" she asks.

"Just in case yes." Madam Pomfrey says.

"Ok." she says.

Madam Pomfrey told the rest of us to go back to our dorms and as we were leaving Professor Snape stopped all of us.

"I think it's a good idea if someone stays with her Madam Pomfrey." he says.

"That might be a good idea." she says, "Who should stay with her though?"

"Someone she is close with." he says.

"I'll stay." I say.

Lyra Snape x Fred Weasley (where he doesn't die)Where stories live. Discover now