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Dream stopped for a second and looked away, then right back at George again.

"I started getting worried and I started shaking you more. I thought you died in your sleep. I checked your pulse and it seemed normal, slow, but normal." He loudly gulped and continued.

"I kept yelling, Sapnap came upstairs too, and then you slightly opened your eyes, but looked like you weren't awake. Then i decided to carry you downstairs, where the light is bigger."

George just couldn't figure out what the reason could be. He wasn't even that hungry or anything.

"You still weren't waking up, but you started making like few weird high noises." He stuttered a lot, talking fast.

"And then you put your hand on my cheek and just weirdly watched me. I thought you woke up, but you still seemed asleep." He glanced over at Sapnap and then right back to George.

"After some time, you started talking and looking around, and i was so fucking relieved." Dream sighed.

"I really thought you were gone for a moment." His voice insignificantly cracked. Dream took Georges hand in his.

George looked at his movement and bluntly stared at his hand in his.

"I just felt like i was in a dream or something." Dream smirked and held down a laugh at Georges sentence.

"What?" George asked confused, looking over at Sapnap, who had his lips pressed in a thin line. "Sorry, in a dream, continue." George got it this time. So fucking dirty minded.

"I heard your voice and i thought that you're an... Angel." Dream fondly smiled at him. He probably took it as a huge compliment.

"I saw you and I still thought that you're... An angel. And then i just started thinking and like, woke up." George looked at the ground awkwardly.

"If you do that again I'm gonna fucking kill you." Dream said as he stood up and locked his hands behind his neck.

George looked at Sapnap, in a hope that he will tell him that it's just a thing that Dream says to scare them, but doesn't actually mean.

Dream sat back down, and turned the TV on. Sapnap jumped to the free spot, next to Dream as always.

They watched Gossip Girls of course, Dream seemed to be obsessed with the show now. Wouldn't really think that it's his style.

He probably has enough of gore in his own life, doesn't need to see any more of it in others life's.

George passed out after about half an hour. "Dream." Sapnap pointed to George who's head was on Sapnaps broad shoulder.

"Do you think he's gonna..." Dream asked with furrowed eyebrows. Sapnap raised his shoulders, putting them back down at once. Georges head almost rolled off of him.

"Maybe he was just in a really deep sleep, or maybe he hasn't been sleeping well until now." Sapnap tried bringing in some more ideas of why this happened.

"I'm gonna carry him up and google what it could mean." Sapnap nodded and carefully stood up, repositioning Georges head more to Dreams side.

He swiftly picked him up and slowly went up the stairs to his bedroom. He put him down and battled himself in weather he should see if George would wake up this time or not.

Maybe he should just let him be.

Dream sat down at the computer. The internet might not be the safest place where to research this, but he's definitely not going to any disgusting doctors, Dreams enemies.

There were only two themes talked about, none of them seemed fit to George. This was probably a one time thing and will never happen again, right?

George woke up early, at 10 am, and that's really early for him.

He stood up and quickly sat back down remembering that he had a cast.

Should he go ask for food this time? Who knows, maybe the lack of food made, whatever it was that happened yesterday, happen.

He didn't try to overthink this and quickly limped away from his safe space, into the scary. Could Dream be in his own room, or downstairs.

Why does he even need Dream, he can make breakfast himself. He put the tools by the wall without any sound, and started crawling downstairs.

Dream wasn't in sight. He stood up and started jumping to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and stood there, thinking of what could he eat.

There were only two choices really. Dream needed to go to the store finally. Again, giving him deja vu, steps came down the stairs and bare feet came in sight.

"Hey, Gogy." It was Sapnap this time. "Where's Dream?" "At the mall." Sapnap answered going over to George. "Sit, I'll make you breakfast." Sapnap took a stool up to George and let him sit down, what a gentleman.

"Now we can finally have some alone time." Sapnap got out a bowl and put it in front of George, on the counter.

"How have you been living here for 10 months?" George groaned, "it's so boring, he didn't care about me insulting him before, but now he fucking hits me if i do." Georges forehead loudly fell on the counter.

"I don't even know, but you definitely saved me, he beat me up like every day before you arrived." Sapnap patted Georges back with a strong slap.

George took it his back was as crooked as a hook, so he straightened up and continued sitting with a straight back.

"Really? I thought he said that he wants to care for us." George mocked the words that Dream had mentioned to him days ago, trying to talk in an American accent and failing dreadfully.

"He thinks he's doing that, but it's definitely the opposite." It was really nice finally getting alone time with Sapnap. Even if Georges paranoia had grew because of Dream, and all he could think about is that there could be cameras and microphones pointed right at him, or maybe even Sapnap is on Dreams side as a spy to is seeing if he'd be loyal to Dream.

Or the fact that he could walk in at any moment and catch them breaking one of his rules. He probably thought George would be sleeping till 12 like always.

Forced love // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now