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George opened the notebook and pushed the almost empty pen against the open space that had to be filled up. There can't be zero ways of escaping, can there?

He wrote one word, something to start with. 'Dream...' and then an idea of escape appeared. The possibility of something as lucky as this happening is very slim, but the idea is,

George asks Dream to get him something important in the store every day. Let's say that he even agreed, which would also be a problem, he leaves every single day.

After a few times, he should start forgetting to lock the door, right? Who knows what Dreams memory is like, maybe he never forgets a single thing, maybe he always triple checks the door, but it'd be awesome to get out so easily.

He wrote the whole idea down, and it seemed smart to actually try it out. He himself knows very well that he's quite bad at logical thinking, or just any thinking that has something to do with the future events, so he was cautious.

It would take a few days for Dream to cool off from all the shit he had done, but he finally has some kind of a plan. Not the best at all, not even close, but it's an idea, and it felt very amazing to have one finally.

There was not even a slight thought to rush it in his head, George decided that it would be quite smarter if he waited, didn't rush it. Especially now that he knows that Dream is probably a serial killer, but he might be wrong.

He threw the notebook on the ground because of the sudden dizziness that took over his whole brain. It felt like he was on drugs, the world was spinning around him.

He clenched his forehead from each side, and pressed his fingers on his temples. He turned to lay on his back and groaned, the pain taking over his whole body.

Soon, the world turned into darkness and a bunch of nothingness. He passed out.

George felt thoughts arrive in his head, meaning that his brain was up. His eyes shot open, the feeling of falling tensing up his body.

He sighed out and took a full breath right after. So good to breathe.

He had no memory of yesterday's painful passing out, and now it was morning. But how, he fell asleep in the middle of the day.

The clocks hands were on 11:15 in the morning. Did he really just sleep for 20 hours? No way.

Maybe he just doesn't remember. How can it be possible to sleep for more than 20 hours? It's just not.

His legs arrived on the same floor as always. It's a time loop, what he's living, going over and over again. If Dream is really intending to keep him here forever, then how is he supposed to survive having nothing happen in his life except: Wake up, do nothing, eat, do nothing, and so on until sleep, with just s bit of TV in there sometimes.

Maybe he actually was better off to just kill himself.

There aren't any pills in the bathroom, he checked some days ago. But why did he?

There are knifes, but they all are quite... Small. Ones that would be hard to get it done with, like Dream would be prepared for that of course.

Then there's always some harder ways, like not eating and drinking.

George stopped moving, and his eyes shot to the door. There wasn't any knock, it just started opening. It was Dream.

"Food. You didn't have any yesterday, probably." He noticed. That George hadn't left his room. Because he was passed out.

"Or at least I didn't see you leaving the couch at all." What? What did Dream say?

So he was right, he just doesn't remember. "What? I was downstairs?" Georges voice wasn't there, maybe he yelled too while being black out.

"What do you mean?" Dream put a bowl on the desk, that was used only for streaming. "I... I guess i just don't remember a single thing from yesterday- except y..." George stopped.

He was also really punched for the first time, and it's not quite something so great to keep in mind. "I don't understand, we binged the show, you mean you don't remember that?"

Dream looked at George with quite a judgeful look, almost like George was saying something appalling.

"No, I fell asleep and that's it." Silence. Dream didn't say anything back at that. He just freezed and watched the wall, with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't seem to be in a very good mood today.

"Okay, weird." Dream said and just left. He closed the door with perceptible force.

This was all too weird. He looked at the nightstand, looking for the notebook, but all there was was an empty pen. He must've wrote some more if it's completely empty now, with no trace of ink at all.

Then his glance fell to the floor, but still no notebook in view. It wasn't anywhere, not under the bed, not under the pillow, he searched the whole room, it would be really dangerous if it got in Dreams hands.

It wasn't in his room.

What is he supposed to do now, there's no way it hasn't made its way over to Dream then. Maybe Sapnap, but still.

He groaned and clenched his fists and dug his nails in his skin. The pain didn't seem to alert him in any way, so all of his response was just continuing, until his nails were too short to reach his palm any more.

George didn't even notice how he was hurting himself, he promised himself that he wouldn't do any of this, that he will get out safely and healthy, but Dream was just too much for his weak nerves.

He didn't feel like crying and felt like crying at the same time, like he could use some, but the tears just weren't there, which is weird, since he's always ready to let out some waterworks, but usually fake.

Forced love // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now