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{A/n: To avoid confusion, I would recommend starting to read from the beginning again, but only if you haven't read in a while. But yeah do whatever you want lol.}

„Will you answer my questions now?"


„Will you answer my questions now?" I repeated with a bit annoyance in my voice.

„What questions?" Xavier pretend to think. „I don't know what you mean..."


„Y/n." Xavier lifted his head up with a smirk on his face.

I glared at him before I placed my fork down. We were done eating anyway.
„Xavier," I started. „I'm not dumb. So please don't pretend as if I am. What did you do in the kitchen?"

Xavier sighed and closed his eyes. Then his dark green eyes met mines. Xavier has beautiful eyes. They look at you as if you're the only person on the world -but sometimes they just stare at you as if he does not have a soul. Like emotionalless.

„I was on the toilet." He stood up and stretched his hand out. „I don't think a woman like you, Y/n, would care about that, right?"

I studied his face for a moment but took his hand and stood up. We took our things and made our way outside.
I decided to drop the subject, eventually I will find out.

A cold breeze brushed over my soft skin. I slightly shivered. Xavier saw that and removed his jacket and placed it on my small frame. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

Xavier brushed with his fingers a strand of hairs away that was on my face because of the cold breeze. When I felt Xavier's fingers brush over my face everything felt warm. The sound of the cold breeze, the people walking past us, the cars and motorcycles; nothing could be heard or seen anymore.

It was just us two looking into each other's eyes.
I watched how his lips parted and his eyes turn dark. He slowly licked his lips.

His hands suddenly cupped my face. I felt how his warm thumbs slowly stroked my cheek.

It was just us two.

Xavier stepped forward. Just leaving a view inches between our lips. I got up to my tiptoes, again making the space between us two smaller.
{A/n: Don't worry Y/n is not 5'2 or sum💀. Imagine your own height if you want but I thought about like 5'7 / 1,73. While Xavier is like 6'5/1,95 m.}

I leaned in and his soft lips met mine.
It was a cute little kiss but the longer we kissed, the more passionate it became.

Our lips moved in sync. I felt his tongue on my lip, asking for entrance. I opened my lips for him and I felt how his wet tongue entered my mouth.
Our tongues met and started to fight for dominance but he of course won.

I wanted him closer to me, so I stepped forward again leaving no space between us two. I lifted my hands and tried to place them on his face but only reached his hard chest, due the lack of space between us.

His hand moved slowly from my cheek to the side of my neck. He gently squeezed which made his tongue move faster in my mouth.

But then I remembered.

We're in public.

I pushed him away gently and while our lips parted, I saw how a string of saliva was connecting our tongues.

Xavier's eyes opened and met mine.
My Face felt hot and I was embarrassed. We're just standing looking at each other, not knowing what to do. While more like him looking at me. I became way too shy to look him in the eyes so I stared at the floor.

He smirked down at me, kissed my cheek while gently grabbing my hand and lead us to the car. In my flustered state I just followed him.
Xavier opened the car door for me and waited for me to get in before closing the door.

The car ride was silent and awkward. I tried to ignore it but I could feel Xavier's eyes on me, instead of the road.
It's like he is obsessed with looking at me. Not that I'm complaining. I like Xavier a lot.
I enjoyed tonight and I would like to do that again sometime.

The moment we got home I got into my pyjamas and removed my makeup.
Emmeline, my maid, went to sleep before we arrived upstairs in one of the rooms.
Xavier would sleep in the guest room downstairs, while I would sleep in my own room upstairs.

While I was making myself ready to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. I went up to it and slowly opened the door.

„Oh, Xavier! Come in." I stepped back and let him inside. „You need anything? Or did you just miss me?"
I joked smirking at him and turned around to sit on the edge of my bed.

„No, thank you." He smiled and sat beside me. „I just wanted to wish you good night and sweet dreams."

„Aww, thank you." I placed my hand on his shoulder to steady myself and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I chuckled when I saw him blush. „You too, cutie. Could you switch the lights when you go, please?"

He just nodded and left.

I slept faster than I thought and dreamed about anything I could dream of. But I didn't notice the figure at 4 a.m. that entered my room and went up to my bed.

„Having sweet dreams, Y/n?"

The person stood next to my bed and watched me sleep for a while. Their eyes admired my face but that wasn't enough. They want to see more. My beautiful body.

They looked down on the grey blanket that is covering my sleeping body. They slowly tried to lift it up but when I moved from my previous position, they stopped and quickly removed their hand.

They waited a minute and just stared at me. Suddenly realization hit them. What am I doing? Oh God...

They turned around to leave but when they saw something on my nightstand, they went up to it.
The figure took my phone and blocked and deleted some numbers on my phone. Luckily they had seen how you had tapped in your phone code multiple times.
„You don't need so many contacts, when you can call me all the time, darling."

The person put my phone back where it was and quietly left the room.

{A/n: Short Chapter after not updating for almost a year? Yeah. I'm sorry. That is why I'm posting three chapters today and hopefully the next ones very soon after.
Thank you for reading. Have a good day!}

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