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{A/n: For the people that skipped the chapter before (008): Xavier just pleasured himself at the thought of Y/n.👀}

I was currently sitting in the living room and watched some TV. While waiting for Xavier, I helped Emmeline clean the house but after we were done, I got bored and started to watch (Favorite Series).

Suddenly the door to Xavier's room opened, revealing Xavier in a new outfit. He probably showered.

Xavier came up to me with a bright smile, "Hey sorry, I didn't feel so well and just needed some time for myself." He sat beside me and turned is upper body to face me. "I hope you aren't mad at me, Y/n."

I shock my head and smiled back at him, "Don't worry. But are you sure you are okay now? I can make you some tea if you wa-"

"Don't, Y/n." Xavier put up his hand for me to stop talking. "You worry to much. I'm okay, really. We can just watch your show and later play cards if you want."

I nodded and turned to watch TV. But felt how Xavier stared at me instead of the television. I broke my gaze from the tv and looked at him, he didn't even try to pretend that he is starring.

"What?" I asked confused. "Do I have something on my face?" I lifted my fingers to my face and whipped across my cheek.

Xavier shock his head and lifted his hand to touch my cheek. He slowly stroke it and looked at me lips. "You are just so beautiful. I wish you were mine."

Him starring at my lips just reminded me of our kiss we had a few days ago. We just pretended as if it never happened. Xavier and I haven't mentioned it even once. I couldn't help but doubt. Was the kiss that bad, that it's embarrassing to mention? Was I really that of a bad kisser?

As if Xavier could read my thoughts leaned closer to my face. He didn't look at my lips anymore but tried to hold eye contact with me. His green eyes held so many emotions in them, but at the same time they were so...empty. I couldn't maintain the eye contact to long and looked away.

Xavier just looked at me for a moment but then grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Look at Me, Y/n." He growled but his features softened, when he saw my widened eyes, "Please. I want to see your beautiful face."

Still shocked I just nodded and reached for his hand on my cheek.
Xavier slowly leaned closer and closer until our lips were just a few inches away. I suddenly felt his soft lips on mine. I closed my eyes and found myself leaning even closer.

I wanted him even closer to me, so I lay my other hand on his neck and pulled him closer.
Our lips moved in sync and we both didn't pull away for a minute.

I suddenly heard a gasp and a glass shutter across the floor after. We quickly pulled away and looked where the sound came from.


She was standing in the doorway with a shocked expression all over her face. She slowly looked down on the broken glass on the floor and then back up to us. The now broken glass was all over the floor.

"I-I apologize!" She bent down to pick up the broken pieces of glass. "I didn't mean to disturb you two. I promise I'll clean this up and go-"

I let go of Xavier and stood up, "Oh no. It's okay."

I watched how Xavier stood up too and made his way to Emmeline. He bent down in-front of her and grabbed her hands, "Miss, stop picking up broken glass pieces with your bare hands!" Emmeline first stared at Xavier's hands gripping her hands and then looked up at him, but her eyes widened. "You can go make the food and I take care of this, yeah? We don't want you to destroy more, right Emmeline?"

I frowned when Emmeline nodded and hurried away with wide eyes. She looked rather...scared. Xavier was facing back from me so I couldn't see his expression. But I know for sure that he sounded...angry.

I watched how Emmeline exited the living room and looked back at Xavier, just to find his green eyes already starring at me. I didn't know how to feel. Uncomfortable? Nervous? Shy? Happy? So much happened in this minute.
I really didn't know so I just starred back.

After a few seconds a smile broke into Xavier's face, "You want to start a starring contest or what?" Suddenly his cute smile slowly turned into a smirk. Xavier took a few steps forward so he was standing right in front of me. He leaned forward until I felt his soft breath in my ear, "We are not done here, Y/n. You will be mine once, I'll make sure of it I promise."

Confused I took a step back and let out a frustrated sigh.
This is getting awkward and I didn't like it one bit. "You want to eat something? We can go to a cafe or something." I suggested to change the topic.

Xavier just stared at me for a few seconds before saying: "Yeah sure. Let's head to the cafe right down the street. I think you'll like it."

In the cafe, while we waited for our order, We talked about so many things. But most of the time I was the one talking.
When I noticed that I'm talking too much about myself, Xavier denied it and said he loved hearing me talk.

While talking about my favorite book, Xavier started to lay his head on the arm that is steadied on the round table. He looked at me as if I was a portrait, which made me shy and stop talking.

"Why did you stop?" He asked with an confused expression, "Is something wrong?"

I shock my head and looked at him.
This made me realize how attractive Xavier actually is. He is a very good built man with an almost too perfect face. His green eyes makes me want to get to know him even more. And his slightly rose-beige colored lips...don't get me started on those. They always remind me on the time we kissed in front of the restaurant.

I really did enjoy the kiss and if I could I would kiss him every time I see his lips. The problem is that I'm not sure if he wants the same.

{A/n: This chapter is so boring😭sorry}

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