"A Snow Storm is Coming!"

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Meanwhile, Elmo and his new puppy, Tango, were coming inside the house… before Elmo gasped in surprise.

“D… D… Drawer?” Elmo gasped.

“Hey! Elmo!” Drawer smiled.

“Drawer!” Elmo cheered as he ran to his long-time friend and embraced him in his little monster arms in a heartwarming hug. “Oh, Elmo is so happy to see you again!”

“Long time, no see!” Drawer smiled before noticing the little Muppet dog. “Aww! Who's this?!”

“Oh! This is Elmo’s new puppy, Tango!” He happily explained.

“Aww! She’s so cute!” Drawer admired as she started to pet her behind the ears. “Hi there, Tango! I’m Drawer!”

Tango just adorably barked, being a very cute little puppy. But guess what? Back in the kitchen, the Swedish Chef was now face to beak with the infamous turkey. YET AGAIN! But this time, the Chef was NOT going to fall for this bird's jokes again, cause he maybe a goof, but he ain't a fruitcake.

“Hey, hey, hey!” the turkey halted him. “No! You got me wrong! I… I… I'm a dairy cow. Moo!”

But the Swedish Chef wasn’t buying it. “No, no, no! Du bis borgey!”

“Alright, okay…” the turkey thought before the chef grabbed his neck and shook him a bit. “I'm a… I, I, I, I, I… I'm a…I'm a birdie! I'm a birdie! I'm a seagull, alright?!”

“No, no, no!” the Swedish Chef said again. “Gobbla-gobbla!”

But at last, the turkey threw in the towel and surrendered. “Okay! Alright! I admit it! I admit it! The jig is up! Here I am! The Christmas Turkey!”

“Ee-toscus nu!” The Swedish Chef proudly said as he whacked him numerous times with a couple celery sticks.

“Ow! Hey!” the turkey gasped. “Watch it there, will ya?!”

Of course, this meant a lot of things. Now, the Swedish Chef was measuring the turkey with a long wooden ruler to make sure that he was the perfect size.

“Oh yeah…  I recognize it now.” the turkey sighed. “This is... thi... this is the traditional fitting, right? To see if the roasting pan is big enough for the nice fat bird?”

“Ja, ja, ja!” the Swedish Chef replied proudly as he pulled the roasting pan off the counter. “Gobbla-gobbla torkey fitsky witsky!”

“Of course… uhh… Before we go any further.” the turkey added as he brought him out of the kitchen and near the entrance to the living room. “Uhh… There is one thing I think you should see.”

“Numisbiscus gobbla-gobbla snooze?” the Swedish Chef wondered curiously.

“If you think I'm a nice fat bird…” the turkey said. “Look at THIS!”

Sure enough, the turkey showed the Swedish Chef that there WAS another bird inside the house! It was Big Bird! And this completely took this European cook by surprise.

“OY, YORK!!!” the Swedish Chef gasped as he threw his pan over the turkey's head and landed in a pile of dirty dishes. “Nushna gobbla-gobbla HUMONGA!”

“Ain't it the truth!” the turkey laughed.

But back in the living room, TV began to play an emergency bulletin about the weather.

“Hey, everyone! Quiet down!” Oscar grumbled, getting everyone's attention. “There's a bulletin on TV!”

“And now for this news flash!” the newsman reported while everyone turned to TV's screen to see what was going on. “The WORST blizzard in 50 YEARS is approaching us at a great rate! The National ToonTown Weather Service is reporting that barometers are falling sharply!”

But that was… quite literally! Tons of wooden barometers began to, LITERALLY, fall onto him like hail, making him collapse on the floor in pain.

Scooter even knew that the news was no joke. “He's right! Look at the snow!”

“One snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes…” The Count began to count.

“But… Miss Piggy's out there in that storm…” Kermit nervously said to himself, remembering that his girlfriend is still in town.

As Shade rolled up a bit, Kermit just looked at the chaotic snow storm and knew that potentially, something was beginning to occur. He wasn’t so sure what… but he was beginning to hope that the worst wasn’t coming.

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