How Sickly Sweet

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TW!!!!! This chapter contains scenes of abuse so proceed with caution.

My body started to glow a bright black, as ironic as it is. I could feel my body being pulled from this world, from it's wonderous and only-seen-in-tv-shows adventures. My vision is almost completely engulfed if it weren't for that beautiful baby blue and green. Leo. My sweet Leon. I can feel myself slipping slowly but so fast at the same time. This can't be the end. There's so much more I wanted to do with you, with all of you. So many more laughs to have and time to spend, but I can't be here. I'm not meant to be here.

"So, good bye, Leon." I give my signature closed eye smile before I say my last words to them. "I love you."

Wait. Where's the rest of the story? Oh yeah, I forgot. There's this thing called sleeping. Looks like I was drawn in by such an ethereal dimension. I let out a sigh as I finally open my eyes, rolling to the other side of my bed and squeezing my eyes and force myself to sleep again. But, as much as I want to fall back to sleep, chores are waiting for me right outside the door to my room. Sluggily, I drag myself from the hot sheets and into the freezing room, the fan constantly blowing cool air onto my face.

And so, I go through my day: Cleaning, studying, working and finally getting home. When I do, though, I'm hit with a thick waft of beer breath and smoke filling my nostrils. Any other time, I would have coughed and ran to my room to open a window. But, being so used to the fogged up room and loud booming of drunks in the living seems to be a normal occurrence. I place my work bag full of my work clothes and shoes by the kitchen bar and grab a soda and I slice of left over pizza. It would have been a smooth retreat to my room had it not been for the convenient pile of bottles I so happen to kick over on my way down the hall to my room. "Y/n?" I pause in my tracks, fear rising in my blood, making me hyperaware of every sound coming form behind me.

"Yes, mother? Need anything?" I turn around, the soda and pizza behind my back. She turns to her friends before letting out a smirk. A sinister one at that. "Remember what we talked about? No food or drinks in your room." I gulp as I was caught breaking a rule. "Hm, why don't you sit with us? Take your first sip of beer, huh?"

Wouldn't have been my first sip, I had plenty in the womb. "I'm sorry for bringing food into the room. I'll just eat in the kitchen, yeah? Sorry for interrupting." She scoffs and turns her head back to the conversation the others occumilated as I escape to the kitchen again. As soon as I'm done with the pizza and soda, I head to my room only to pull out my crappy laptop.

I type in my salvation and only means of childhood: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As weird as it is for a 14 year old to still be watching a kids show, I've grown to appreciate it for more than the billion dollar idea, but the animation and completely original storyline. A sigh leaves my mouth as I rewatch "Pizza Pit" and turning up the volume where Leon lets out a releave laugh at 6:08.

After some time of watching, I notice the living room is oddly quiet. So, thinking they're all asleep, I go to sneek a midnight snack. When I enter the room, nobody was here. Well, my mom being the exception. Manuevering around the bottles and ashtrays on the ground, I make it to the fridge to get the whole pizza box and some whipped cream to snack on. Before I could turn around, the food still in my hands, I see a gruff hand forcefully shut the door to the fridge closed. I feel his steaming breath rise the hairs on my neck and he stands right behind me. Fear, as it did earlier, rose yet again. Biting at my eyes and filling my throat with pebbles.

"Where is it, hm?" Where is it? Where is what? "The money, where is it?" My breath gets raggedy, my mind racing for when I could have possibly stolen or asked for money from this man, but nothing came to mind. I've never met or talked to any of my mom's friends, never even dared to look them in the eye.

My breath grows heavy, occasionally hitching in my throat. "I don't have....m-money, s...sir." He grabs my should and throws it to hit the fridge door. The snack I tried retreiving slipped from my hand and spilled all over the floor. The man with the threating grasp and horrid face, one with bushy brows that almost made a unibrow and crooked teeth adorned with chapped, stinky lips stained in the smell of beer and nicotine. "She said... you have the money. So, spill it and give it." His repungent breath fanned over my cheeks.

I heard cackling from the living room again, where people weren't at two minutes ago. I heard my mom's specifically, she was seemingly only a few feet away. And she was. She was right there as this burly man demanded money from me.

I didn't take anything I swear! It wasn't me. I wanted to say but it wouldn't come out. The words were trapped under those pesky pebbles lodged into my throat. "What? Where is it? Already went out and spent it? On that stupid laptop just so you can go and crush over those stupid cartoons, yeah?" My body flinches when his words reach my ears. I look over to my mom again, begging for her help. Time and time again I fling my hands to her as the burly man shakes me furiously.

"Take it back! They aren't stupid!" My mom rolls her eyes at my yelling, crossing her arms before moving towards us. She grabs my shirt, her grubby but some how feminine fingers leaving some type of substance on it. I see her fist raise and crash down within seconds, connecting with my cheek several times.

Each time I try to reach out, I'm soon broken down.

My nails scratch at her wrists and hands as she grips my neck.

Her screams echos in my head as I loose consciousness.

With the incoming blackness, a bright, shinning light flows in like a tsunami. I blink back the tears blurring my vision and let out an excrusciating gargle of a yell and lunge my fist to her eyeball. She reels back in pain, taking away her hands. I'm dropped to the floor and make a run for my room. They were still laughing. They were still having a good time? They're sick.

I need to leave. I wish I could leave. I can't take it anymore. I can't handle being here by myself!

A noise from behind me makes me turn my head and trip on some more piles of trash. When I turn back around, I'm met with a somehow glowing black portal looking hole in the middle of the hallway. What the hell?

"Y/n, stay away from that! Now! Get away! Come over here, now Y/n!" My mom yells. The sinister chuckling faded away, the living room quiet. The only noises being the ones coming from the hole.

Without any words, I jump. I jump through the mysterious light with little hesitation. The women I've come to know as my mom, putting me through so much and still claiming she loves me, reaches a hand through the portal. It dissapearing in a second. And here I am. Lying on the ground of a disgusting alleyway after jumping through a mystical portal. Rain spittered on my face, sliding off the side and landing on the concrete below me.


So alone...


Hey! That's the first chapter! We're meeting the turtles next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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