The Forbidden Forest

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For a few minutes, they all spun around the candleholders uncontrollably. They had no idea when they would land but they hoped it was soon. The spinning was making them feel a little nauseous and they didn't want to throw up while spinning around. The likelihood of their vomit getting on each other was extremely high.

Luckily for them, that would not happen. A few seconds later they landed, rather roughly, on the dark cold ground. They all shared a groan of pain and tried to get themselves up.

"That could have gone a lot better," Kathy said in pain.

"I'd say that went better than expected," Dipper responded. "Other than leaving my Grunkle Stan to deal with my sister and still not knowing where Merlin is, I think that visit went pretty good."

"No, I know that visit went well. I mean the landing could have gone better."

Pacifica nodded. "For sure."

Gideon was the last to stand up and brush himself up. "I need a chiropractor." He cracked his back. "We have to stop doing things like this. When we're old and gray we'll be hurting so bad that we'll forget where we are."

Kathy laughed. "Maybe. But we have magic on our side so we can just use that to ease our suffering." She clapped her hands together. "What time is it? We have to start looking for Merlin's tree soon."

Dipper looked at his watch. "It says it's like one in the afternoon."

"Good. That means we have time." She ran over to the nearest tree and began examining it.

"You've got to be kidding me," Dipper said, deadpan.

Kathy looked at him. "What?" She replied innocently.

"Are you seriously going to search every tree in this forest until you find Merlin's tree?" Dipper asked with his arms crossed. "You just said we have magic to fix our problems. Why can't we use magic?"

Kathy rolled her eyes. "You think that Merlin would be dumb enough to let himself be found by just using a simple spell? Do you think Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time, would be that dumb?"

As Dipper thought about it, he realized she was right. Embarrassed, he looked down and said, "When you put it like that it sounds dumb."

Kathy nodded. "Yes, it does. But that doesn't matter. We have a powerful magical being trapped in an oak tree before your psychotic sister does."

"Yeah, no pressure," Gideon said sarcastically.

They all began to follow Kathy's lead and search every tree. Whenever they search a tree that wasn't the one they were looking for they cast a spell that puts a red cross on the front. That way they would know which tree they already searched.

For hours and hours, they searched with no luck. They were all getting pretty frustrated and hungry. And since Kathy could sense this she decided to do something before they all exploded.

"Look, we've been here for hours. Why don't we take a rest?" She suggested. "Let's go down to Hogsmeade. We never got the chance to do it before."

The group all looked at Kathy and then looked at each other. After a minute of silent conversation, they turned back to her and nodded.

So they made their way down to the little wizard town that was nearby Hogwarts. Kathy had told them all about the town and how amazing it was. At least according to her parents' stories. So as a result, they couldn't wait for their third year when they would finally be able to go.

Unfortunately, that day never came.

But now they had a chance and they weren't going to waste it. They made their way into the famous Three Broomsticks, the popular inn, and pub owned by a very attractive witch. She was the one who served them.

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