The Funeral

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We had to bring the King back for medical attention, then there was the funeral.

Maya was holding her brothers' weapons. I followed behind her, with my head hung down low.

The people of Teca were dancing, honoring their fallen princes.

We walked up to their tombstones.

“In this realm and the great beyond, you honor us with your sacrifice, brothers.” Maya laid down her fallen brothers weapons before three jaguar statues. We kneeled next to the Queen and King, praying for them in the afterlife.

Eventually, everyone left but I stayed behind with Maya. It didn’t feel right to leave her all alone.

A glowing butterfly landed on her head, it then flew over to me and sat on the bridge of my nose. I ended up sneezing and to no one’s surprise, it flew away.

A jaguar snarling caught our attention, we looked at each other and then at the statues.

Lo siento, mis hermanos,” Maya cried. Which ended up making me silently cry.

“If it wasn’t for the prophecy,” She continued, “I would have been there to fight by your side.”

As if on cue, golden liquid started flowing from the jaguar statue's eyes, like it was crying with her. The liquid flowed down to the text underneath it. It looks like a message.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” I asked Maya, not entirely sure if I was hallucinating.

“Rooster?” Maya questioned.

“Skull?” I tilted my head.

“Puma?” We said together this time.

“Rooster, Skull, Puma.”

“Huh?” Then Maya gasped. “I’ve seen those symbols together.”

She then took off running without me. I waited.

“Oh! Oh!” Maya came back. “Gracias, hermanos.” She then grabbed my hand and took off again. This time dragging me with her.

“Rooster, Skull, Pum-” Maya chanted up the stairs, but she tripped midway. I helped her up and said it along with her.

“Rooster, Skull, Puma!”

“Rooster, Skull, Puma!” I was behind Maya when she shrieked. Apparently, from what I can see from the flipped table and her on the floor, she tripped. Again.

“I think you hold the world title for ‘Clumsiest person dead and alive’.” I snickered.

“Shhhh, don’t make me forget it . . . uhhhh . . .”

“Rooster, Skull, Puma.” I finished for her.

“I knew that.”

“Sure you did, princess.” I rolled my eyes.

We started searching all over the library for scrolls or books that had anything with those three symbols together. We were there before dawn broke, I finally found it.

“Uh, Maya, I think I found something.” I waved her over.

“Rooster, Skull, Puma, and Little Eagle fighting a two-headed serpent? What?” She read and walked over to pick up a scroll with a sundial.

“Ugh, okay, okay. So, wait. So, rotate the sun to get the-”

“Wait, wait. The whole sun?” She stood on the sundial and sighed. “This makes no sense, brothers.”

“Gimme that.” I snatched the paper from her hands. “Maya, what makes no sense, rotate the sundial that you’re literally standing on. Maybe it leads to a clue.”

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