The Underworld

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Back in the Underworld.

The gods were gathered in the throne room for another meeting.

Zatz and his father were standing behind the other gods, discussing his encounter with you. “Lady Y/N is different, Father.”

“You should have seen her, courageous and-” Zatz stopped, thinking of another fitting way to describe you. “and loyal.”

“And beautiful.” He stared off dreamily.

His father gasped and dragged his son a little farther away from the King’s ears.

“Be quiet, mijo. He will hear you.” His father whispered. “You want Lord Mictlan to take your other eye?”

Zatz looked down, remembering.

“Do not get attached. That would be very dangerous, my boy.”

“Zatz!” The God of War roared, shaking the throne room.

The gods scrambled out of the way, revealing the small demigod.

“Stand before me, Prince of Bats.”

“Yes, my lord.” He kneeled before him.

“This is the last time I will ask you. Bring me the Teca Princess. Bring her now!” The King demanded like a toddler.

Lady Micte called out to her husband.

“She will be yours, and her sacrifice will be delicious.”

Lord Mictlan laughed evilly.

“Acat will bring her to you, my lord.” A girl with glowing, purple tattoos walked forward.

Mictlan growled.

“Your wish is always my command, Lord Mictlan.” She bowed.

He chuckled, “Very well, Acat. I trust you two will bring her back in one piece.”

“It will be our pleasure, my lord.” She kneeled down, getting very close to Zatz and caressed his arm.

Zatz quickly shrugged off her hand.

“Alive, please, Prince of Bats.” The Goddess of Death said.

“She can only be sacrificed if she’s alive, girl.” Lady Micte looked at Acat distastefully.

"Of course, my lady.” Zatz complied.

“Cross my heart and hope to die.” Acat chuckled.

Lady Micte didn’t trust Acat, so she looked at Zatz, who nodded his head in understanding.

The two walked off, leaving the throne room.

“You’re going to get yourself killed, Acat.”

“You worry too much, Zatz.” She brushed it off.

Zatz’s father looked his way, concerned that the young demigod won't pull through.

“Sending children to fetch a child?” Lady Micte gasped and then laughed. “Husband, you are incorrigible.”

- -

“Okay, here’s our plan.” Maya told her parents.” And it can’t fail!”

“First, Y/N and I will ride Chiapa to the Endless Forest.”

Plan-Chiapa roared.

“We’ll journey to Luna Island.”

“Gallop, gallop, gallop.” I was making the side effect noises, just to add some spice.

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